Guest Column: Deny Consent

Obamacare criminal ruling means ‘open rebellion’
by Willis and Babka, Downsize DC (DDC)

Deny ConsentThis direction was a long time coming from Downsize DC, and your humble Coffee Coaster proprietor certainly applauds it. Writing my several DDC email letters to Congress over the past two years, I invariably state something to the effect:


Actually, not a single issue that DDC has raised is even close to being unclear as to Constitutional legitimacy. Which means Continue reading

Brian’s Column: World According to Russell Means

The Dalai Lama of America speaks his mind
by Brian Wright
(originally composed 02/07/2011)

Please everyone find an hour and a half today or within the next few days to watch the video “Welcome to the Reservation,” linked to the image on the right. It is an exclusive interview conducted by with American Indian activist and libertarian hero Russell Means. Means’ assessment of the political plight in this country: Tyrannical US government (USG) is increasingly treating everyone else just like it has been treating the American Indian from the gitgo. RM: “The US is the largest Indian reservation in the world.” Continue reading

Book Review: Bankers and Other People’s Money (1913)

From inside the belly of the beast
by Louis Brandeis
Review by Brian Wright

The Bankers and Other People's MoneySo this is what it looks like on the inside of the Money Trust system. Louis Brandeis was a remarkable public-spirited individual who became a top public-affairs attorney. Graduating from Harvard, he developed a highly successful law practice in Boston. Yet Brandeis was a different breed of lawyer, one who later in his legal career devoted half of his time to legal representation —without fee—of the general public and smaller-business interests against powerful government or corporate interests. This preference of his was almost as uncommon for rich attorneys in those days as it is today. Continue reading

Guest Column: Skull and Bones and Opium

Your Basic Skull And Bones – Kris Millegan Speaks Out  (excerpt)
by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Opium Skull and BonesThis Friday, October 21, 2011, my publisher Kris Millegan (TrineDay Press) is giving a talk at a shop in Toronto that sports the dizzle-dazzle name, “Conspiracy Culture Shop.” It’s at 1696 Queen St West.

From their ad, it seems that they entertain a certain amount of nonsense there. Extraterrestrial, woo-oo kind of stuff. However, the topic of the Yale fraternity known as Skull and Bones is really just plain old business-elite tedium. Continue reading

Movie Review: Imitation of Life (1959)

Eclectic and challenging movie for 1959 _ 8/10
Review by Brian Wright

Imitation of LifeLora Meredith: Well, I’m going up and up and up – and nobody’s going to pull me down!

Lora: You’re aiming high.
Steve: Why not? It doesn’t cost anymore. Don’t you believe in chasing rainbows?

Sarah Jane: I’m someone else. I’m white… white… WHITE! Continue reading