Brian’s Column: Omamacare I

Obamacare vs. Omamacare
Don’t throw Mama off the dialysis machine
By Brian Wright (originally published 2009-09-07)

You can look at this story as a continuation of “Don’t Throw Mama off the Turnpike.” That’s when she and I caravan my 2002 “Free State Audi” with her 1997 Mercury Villager into the middle of New York State for the purpose of selling said Audi to an unlikely buyer. (Note Omamacare has become a series of columns.)[a]        [Go to Omamacare II]

Roughly 10 days ago, Mama Bear went in for a checkup with the kidney doctor.[1] Whoops! Blood pressure is far too high, other symptoms conclusive of renal failure. [Now I’m kicking myself for pressing her into duty as my “wing man” on the long-range, Continue reading

Guest Column: Lessons of Aurora

More guns for the masses = less mass killings
by Ron Burcham

BurchamAs a Free Stater (living abroad in Michigan for an extended period), I can tell you right away that all these FBI/CIA Manchurian zombie killers like (possibly) James Holmes are not going to be wandering into any New Hampshire movie theaters for high-media-impact slayings. They’ll be met with deadly termination. My guest today, Ron Burcham, knows much more about the gun issue than I. But we both realize someone in the legitimate authority matrix had to set up this killing and that the media fix is in.— editor Continue reading