Guest Column: Federal Terror-Op[1] Double Whammy

1) Kill children and lie, 2) disarm the protectors…
by Oathkeepers and Jon Rappoport

Newtown_1It’s ironic that the freedom community has to spend so much time responding to occasional crimes of mass murder by ‘lone nuts’ when the federal government commits mass murder in the tens of thousands daily [averaged over the past several decades] and routinely as public policy. — ed.

Plus, in the more publicized US mass shootings this year—the Batman killings in Aurora, Colorado 7/20; the Sikh Temple incident in Oak Creek, Wisconsin 8/5; the recent Sandy Hook murders in Newtown, Connecticut 12/14—credible information exists that multiple shooters acted in each… information the police have suppressed. Thus, based on the Iron Law that governments always lie, the three attacks were almost certainly staged or targeted/enabled special ops to further a policy of disarming the population with institution of a full police-state dictatorship. Continue reading