Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth-Letter Closure Campaign, Part 1 of 3

Hastening the inevitable via personal, written appeals to action

Mate_in_TwoLast week I wrote a column entitled “After 9/11 Truth” with the intent to show how quickly the facts of reality are coming down the pike on the Big Lie of 9/11. The truth is manifest, simply ‘intuitively obvious to the casual observer,’ to use a phrase from my days in the  engineering world. By characterizing one’s ideas or statements as inevitable, one gets an edge over the resistance, especially if one’s ideas are consistent with reality. [I mentioned on my Facebook page how Leon Louw and Frances Kendall of South Africa accelerated the end of apartheid thru their 1987 book, After Apartheid.]

Note: As I got into the meat of this idea, it is becoming apparent that its full layout will be a longer undertaking than one column; indeed, I am now envisioning a short how-to booklet following from two to three columns. Part 1 is the preliminary setup, and I shall sketch a very simple basic request letter in Part 2.

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