Book Review: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Excerpt #11

From Part I: Dorothy: Battle Creek Headquarters, New Libertarian Overworld

Sojourner[Excerpt from The Truman Prophecy, due for publication 12/25/15.]

Alfonse’s days of actually running to escape police capture were behind him—as a young leading man of the new cloth, Brother Al was ‘Mr. Medical Marijuana’ before Medical Marijuana was cool… or legal.

His tech setup back then was like something out of a science fiction movie: the distribution-center he set up in his church and residence on Emmett Street doubling as a halfway house, and all product in proximity to carriers or workers was protected from detection via ‘transform tech.’

Transform technology (transform tech) was one of a series of high-tech antiaggression (AA) tools[1] made available to ordinary fellows like Alfonse Cody Jefferson by a mysterious benefactor in the early part of the new century. Basically, for finely programmable circumstances of unwanted intrusion or coercion by authorities or other aggressors, your illegal substance and all nearby traces would turn into a material analog… instantly. Continue reading

Movie Review: Still Alice (2014)

Movie message that hits you like a freight train, not a train wreck (8/10)

AliceA conversational review:

Me: Mixed feelings on this movie, but I must say it was absolutely brilliantly written and executed. Probably the most economical, and for that the sharpest, treatment of the subject that we’re likely ever to see. Doesn’t it strike you personally?

It was both mercifully spartan and ruthlessly honest. I said to myself not to finish a couple of times. I totally received the message to my core… just thinking what it would be like for me to go through that with how thoroughly word centric I am, to lose all of that would be to lose who I am… I think. But the final scene with Kristen Stewart was goosebump city. The message is love persists.

And how I would feel such agony if someone I know and love were to have to go through all that. It raises the Problem of Evil argument vs. God to a whole new level. Wow. A tour de force. Continue reading