Guest Column: Why They Hate Us

Is it because we murder their women and children?
By Kevin Spicer

I wonder if Trump understands that targeting the innocent family members of even “real” terrorists is, in itself a form of terrorism?

That’s right, the United States thinks the “War on Terrorism” should be fought, at least in part, by committing terrorism!

It’s the same ol’ same ol’. Obama had “Terror Tuesdays” where he selected individuals that needed to be murdered via drone strike. And even though Trump said he wanted to stop invading sovereign nations and removing heads of states, it appears he too is powerless to stop the Military Industrial Complex from going around killing whoever a secret group of powerful politicians thinks needs to be murdered. (Along with their wives and families.)

At least Trump is sacrificing young girls and mothers for REAL “terrorists,” in contrast to the so-called “terrorism” of those who merely fight back against the US military when their countries are invaded. (Hmmm, I wonder if I would be classified as a “terrorist” by some foreign invader to our country if I fought back and tried to kick out the invaders?)

*Note to self: never use critical thinking skills. Continue reading