Guest Column: Shady Origins of Modern Medicine

How the Rockefellers coopted modern medicine and used polio to create vaccine mythology for profit
by Bob Livingston, Personal Liberty [original column here]


As the 19th Century turned over to the 20th, John Davidson Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust was coming under increasing public pressure, receiving mounds of bad publicity and was even beginning to feel political pressure even as the company amassed more power.

In 1892 the Ohio Supreme Court had declared the Standard Oil Trust to be an illegal monopoly and ordered its dissolution. The company complied with the court’s order in appearance, but in reality the directors and trustees all held their power and positions and, if anything, the company just amassed more power and wealth as it diversified.

U.S. government action to break up the Trust began in earnest in 1901 with actions to charge the Trust with violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act that had been passed in 1890. In addition to oil and gas companies, refineries, transportation companies and banks, Rockefeller owned politicians and the political process.

So Rockefeller, the richest man in the world, was becoming “the most hated man in America” by virtue of the negative press over his monopolistic practices and his bucking of the government’s actions to break it up. Now he sought to own the public relations by bribing public opinion through a pretended interest in their health. [1] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Letting Go of ‘the Noise,’ Part 2

Making the right choices regarding Humpty Dumpty and the king’s men and horses

From Part 1 of this column, I stated:

“I’m addressing the column to Americans, mainly. ‘We the people’ still have a window of time available—a few months, a year, not much more than that—to put our own Humpty Dumpty back together… before the newly imposed US king and king’s men visit our homeboy “USA! USA! USA!” masses with the same acts of kindness bestowed upon Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and all the other ungrateful countries of the world during the former emperor’s eight-year term… and the elite redneck dictator’s regime before that… and the slick pedophile’s one before that… and…. We need to act fast, though.”

The Political Solutions

Then, I said I’d get back to the political solutions after discussing the only spiritual found- ation that renders these solutions possible, even straightforward. Once people discard the noise in their heads, they’ll know enough to eliminate the sources of this noise in the political environment: chiefly deception suborning aggression. By? Well, by our old friends the Men of the Power Sickness. The quick and easy way to eliminate the political noise sources is threefold (per the Trumanist Philosophy), using the following steps and metaphors:

  1. Wake: Expose official lies leading to  ‘high-crime’ assaults on the people
  2. Stand: Bring justice via people’s grand juries against such lie-crimes
  3. Walk: (Each) declare our Independent Being psychologically and politically

Continue reading

Book Review: The Truman Prophecy (2016)

Rise of the Independents
by Brian R. Wright (spring 2016 release notes and review by the author)

Truman_Front_NewYup, it’s finally done and dusted, the original full-fledged release of my first novel, The Truman Prophecy—a story about fulfilling “the Prophet’s” vision of truth, justice, and liberty in our time. More specifically, the action takes place in 2014, 2015, and 2016, culminating with the celebration of Independents’ Day on what is otherwise known as Election Day 2016 (November 8). The Prophecy kicks off—in the heart and mind of one Hiram T. Chance (Chance)—as a visceral response to the legal horror and atrocity committed by unconscionably corrupt and criminal actors in the modern American illegal system against Doreen Hendrickson [for refusal to commit perjury on a tax form… ref. my The Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s) (2014)].

Plot Summary

Chance—my literary avatar and alter ego, encouraged by the Thrive movement and the Thrive video—gathers some people together to conduct structured truth salients, called Toto projects… after the little dog in the classic morality movie, The Wizard of Oz, who pulls back the curtain on the illusion-generating Wizard. These truth salients or Totos each address a high-crime assault in the Threat Matrix—perpetrated by the globalist control Mob (the 0.001%). Threats include geoengineering-bred toxic skies, GMO foods, ‘smart’ utility meters, vast corporate-state medical crimes, the War on Drugs, false-flag acts of state terror, staged massacres, and so on.  Continue reading

Movie Review: V for Vendetta (2005)

Inspirational classic to be, on social justice (9/10)

vendettaPeople should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people.— V

Editor’s Note: 01/25/2017. Per a recent guest column, it appears the Donald will be another Chancellor Adam Sutler from the movie… with help from a continuation of monstrous inside forces. People, get out your Guy Fawkes masks and proceed to the ramparts. — bw

Editor’s Note 11/2/2016—Perhaps this movie is a perfect symbol of the stirrings in the heart of the people for liberty… after decades of abuse by the Men of the Power Sickness. Are such hopes what animate the Trump Revolution? Decidedly so. Will Donald Trump as President betray the libertarian passions of those who got him elected? No one knows for sure, but if he simply sets up one New World Order for another… “Remember, Remember the 5th of November.” — V

Editor’s Note 4/4/2011— I’m using V for Vendetta in lieu of my regular column this week. Every time I view the movie, I get more out of it. Pick up little statements or nuances missed the previous time. For example, on this most recent occasion (yesterday) it dawned on me how close American society is approaching the police state methods of this fictional theocratic-fascist England of the future: black bags, beatings, SWAT teams with benign mottos, warrantless searches, breaking down doors, hauling people away without trial never to be seen again, the complicit media, and the docile, cowering population. I wish for a real V to right these wrongs and fight for justice, free the political prisoners. Growing impatient am I for the restoration of the Republic. [Note, it also occurs to me how parallel the fictional government’s intentional killing of its own citizens was to our own government’s orchestration of the self-murderous 9/11 attacks.] — bw

In the early days of Free State existence we were all excited by the Wachowski brothers (The Matrix) next cinematic innovation.  What better to follow a work of sci-fi Kung Foo mysticism than a work of sci-fi swashbuckling libertarian justice.  (I include a passage on our night out to see V in Merrimack, in my book.) Continue reading

Guest Column: Will The Drone Wars Continue?

“They hate us because we murder their women and children.”
By Daniel McAdams, exec director Ron Paul Institute [original column]

Dear Friends and Benefactors of the Ron Paul Institute:

With the inauguration finished and the protests finished (for now), the new Trump Administration has set about the business of governing. There may be a bit of inertia early on, as newly-confirmed Cabinet Secretaries take their positions and the second tiers are filled and so on. But early actions also tend to set the tone for an Administration and sharp breaks are noticeable right away.

That is why it was disheartening to learn that in his second full day in office, President Trump approved two drone strikes on Yemen — a country with which we are not at war but have been bombing since 2002. US military action in Yemen is ostensibly aimed at ridding the country of al-Qaeda, and the weekend’s victims were all said to be “al-Qaeda militants,” but in fact US involvement in Yemen has been designed from at least 2015 to support Saudi Arabia’s attack on and invasion of the country. After the Saudi-backed president, Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, was ousted by fighters of the Houthi tribe, Yemen’s northern neighbor launched an all-out assault to return Hadi to power. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Letting Go of ‘The Noise,’ Part 1

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy” in a world often seeming Hellbound in a handbasket

Part 1 of 2

No, this isn’t a Norman Vincent Peale rave about the power of positive thinking… or extolling the so-called Secret where wishing makes it so (or at least much more likely). Rather an attempt at some constructive cognition on how we as psych-ologically independent individuals can put our minds to rest, and thereby, in the long run, bring a semblance of sanity to the social environment that has become so overwhelming.

I’m addressing the column to Americans, mainly. ‘We the people’ still have a window of time available—a few months, a year, not much more than that—to put our own Humpty Dumpty back together… before the newly imposed US king and king’s men visit our homeboy “USA! USA! USA!” masses with the same acts of kindness bestowed upon Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and all the other ungrateful countries of the world during the former emperor’s eight-year term… and the elite redneck dictator’s regime before that… and the slick pedophile’s one before that… and…. We need to act fast, though.

I’ll get to the direct political cures in Part 2 of this post. They’re simple, yet require modest courage… on a wide scale. Many hands make light work. Continue reading

Guest Article: Is Trump a JFK or an LBJ

Prof. Tony Hall and I discuss “Inauguration of the Trump Era”
By Dr. Kevin Barrett [Original column here]

Watch it here, and click HERE for story links.

… by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Paul Craig Roberts, ex-pillar of the Establishment turned furious dissident, thinks newly inaugurated President Trump, like  JFK, poses an “actionable threat” to the powers-that-be: “If (Trump) is assassinated, we need to take up our weapons, burn Langley to the ground and kill every one of them.”

Richard Cohen of the Washington Post agrees that “Trump’s presidency is doomed.” But not by CIA assassination; he thinks Trump will follow in the footsteps of Lyndon B. Johnson, a big, blustering megalomaniacal narcissistic psychopath  whose character flaws confirmed Americans’ impression that he was “illegitimate.”

So who is right? Is Trump a JFK or an LBJ?

First let’s consider the case that Trump is the second coming of JFK. Roberts casts Trump’s inaugural address as:

A declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment.  All of it. Trump made it abundantly clear that Americans’ enemies are right here at home:  globalists, neoconservatives and other unilateralists accustomed to imposing the US on the world and involving us in endless and expensive wars, politicians who serve the Ruling Establishment rather than the American people, indeed, the entire canopy of private interests that have run America into the ground while getting rich in the process.

At the rhetorical level, Trump’s speech did sound like he was declaring a JFK-style war against the special interests. But will Trump follow JFK’s footsteps and: Continue reading