The world loses a unique freedom-cause-oriented human being
Dean Hazel, b. April 12, 1952; d. November 05, 2020, Wyandotte, Michigan. He maintained a Facebook page. His most recent posts are from 2016. He was living in an apartment in Clare, Michigan, for some years.
I found out from his mother that he died, when she sent to me a Christmas card—in response to my card to Dean. I stayed in touch with him, sent him a card at Christmases, and this year it must have been only a few days before he died (November 5) I called him on the phone.
Brings back a lot of memories of those days in the 70s, 80s, into the 90s even. Just the whole “tax rebellion movement,” the Libertarian Party and my activity in the party with my wife at the time, Rose et al, the recalls of state senators for passing tax increases in Michigan. I’ll immediately include his autobiography statement from the Facebook page:
About Dean
I have dedicated my life to America’s struggle to keep and regain her freedom from the unseen hand of the corporatist state. I was a founder in 1979 of “We The People A.C.T., A Club of Concerned Citizens” and consider myself to still be a friend of Irwin Schiff, the father of Peter Schiff. It was in the 1980 election that I personally learned of Ron Paul. It was the following year when I actually spoke to him by phone. At the time I had taken a strong position that the Federal Income Tax was being unconstitutionally applied, not that it was unconstitutional in and of itself! I understand that the event even made the London Times in England. See:,,20078970,00.html
I am a jack of all trades, but currently black listed by fraud and slander as was my dear friend and fellow We The People A.C.T. club member, Robert Walsh, the son of a Holocaust survivor. See:
In 2004 I and five others founded The American Federation of Whiggs. I am still the chairman of that enterprise intended to change the so-called parties from within or replace them all together as they appear to just be two faces on a bad coin.
I currently attend as many meetings that I can afford to go to and am the host of the Monroe County Breakfast Club (formerly the Monroe County Republican Breakfast Club), which currently meets once a month at Anson’s Pizza, Pasta, Grill and Pub, in Carleton, Monroe County, Michigan at 10 o’clock in the morning until noon, on the second Saturday of each month.
I write when I can and my Libertarian friend and former Republican Brian Wright secures my copyright by posting them on his Website:
My introduction to the Republican Party and true conservatism was in 1980 by the late Richard Durant of Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan and his friends who were members of We The People A.C.T. at that time. Throughout the ’50s and ’60s, Durant remained active in politics, particularly working to broaden the base of the Republican Party and encouraging young people to understand and get involved in politics and the ideas underlying the workings of a free society. I intend to carry that work on.
More recently Dean shared his research and writings on the Zionist movement and what he saw as its deadly globalist perversion of true Judaism. He became a member of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) organization. On Dean’s October 27, 2015, post transcribed here, read about a key anti-Israel figure, Jacob de Haan, who was assassinated by Zionists a day before he was to depart for England to address the government in opposition to the Balfour Declaration.
Today marks 93 years to the assassination of martyr Jacob Israël de Haan (Dec 31, 1881–June 30, 1924) by the hands of the Zionist leadership in Palestine at the time. De Haan, an ultra-Orthodox Jew, a staunch anti-Zionist, a poet, journalist, teacher, an openly gay man and the political secretary and spokesperson of the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community in Jerusalem, was murdered by the Zionist leadership who believed that his activity towards equality and co-existence posed a real threat for the Zionist project in Palestine.
It was Yitzhak Ben-Tzvi, the second president of Israel, who gave the order for the murder and there are speculations that the order even came from higher up.
With respect to de Haan I post this today, according to the Jewish date (Yahrzeit) rather than the Gregorian calendar. Using the Jewish calendar also reminds us that, like Judaism itself, it had existed long long before Zionism was even conceived in the minds of some sick individuals around Vienna.
From my article, co-authored with Joshua Tartakovsky:
“While talks were underway concerning the future of Jerusalem, Rabbi Dushinsky, the leader of the 60,000 people strong Haredi community in the city, expressed his definite opposition to the Zionist movement and its attempt to expropriate the holy city of Jerusalem. He claimed that religious Jews have not the slightest intention of subjugating the local Arab population. Even earlier, in the years following the Balfour Declaration, Dr. Jacob Israel de Haan who acted on behalf of Rabbi Sonnenfeld, saw the Arabs as natural allies against the Zionist project and met Arab leaders accompanied by the Rabbi, in order to protect their religious autonomy under Arab rule rather than accepting an alien Zionist governance.
Merely a day before embarking for Britain to address the British government, with a delegation expressing its staunch opposition to the Balfour Declaration, de Haan was assassinated outside the Sha’are Zedek synagogue where he attended the afternoon prayer. The assassins confessed to receiving orders from the top Zionist leadership at the time, including Yitzhak Ben-Tzvi who later became the second president of the State of Israel. It is speculated that David Ben-Gurion was also involved in the decisionmaking.
According to Avraham Tehomi, one of the assassins, de Haan was marked for execution due to his meeting with King Hussein and Emir Abdullah. In January 1924, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported: “The Hejas King stated that all of the Arab countries are prepared to receive the Jews on terms of equality, but he loathes political Zionism. A signed royal letter to the same effect is also believed to have been given to de Haan and later stolen by the culprits. Following the murder, it was the Zionist Jewish Agency which in turn limited Jewish immigration into Palestine by choosing to provide ‘certificates’ only for Zionist Jews, even during the Holocaust.”
We the People A.C.T., Whiggs, and More
I have reached out to a key person in that movement, which was quite considerable and had a national following, for more information. I’m hoping to add some more details under this heading before the end of 2021.
Personal Notes
Dean and I kept a correspondence going off and on for, I guess, it’s close to 40 years. I never fully bought into what he was doing with the tax resistance or with the Whigg Party that followed. But I respected his work along those lines and tried to give him my perspective from where I was coming—you can find my bio at my Amazon author page here. We sort of lost touch when he moved to Clare, Michigan. I spoke on 911 Truth at his Monroe County Republicans’ group.
Dean was principled and set in his ways, and sometimes he wasn’t so much interested in what his audience might have to contribute or wondering about their perspectives. [A quality I have to admit I have to say I share from time to time, though I keep working at being a better listener.] My former wife, Rose, knew Dean, too—this would be the 1980s and into the 1990s when she ran her public relations business. She regarded him as a gentleman, polite and considerate. He was always that.
I shall deeply miss his first class mind and its unique take on the issues of the day. Also the camaraderie between us as kindred warrior souls fighting always for liberty and the Constitution.
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