Book Review: Golf, Life, and Fun in the Philippines (2014)

A lifestyle upgrade definitely worth looking into…

Golf_viewEspecially for Yanks or Englishmen and Europeans stuck in northern climes in the winter months. No, Golf in the Philippines is not a book… yet. But I’m posting a review today of a special Website of a friend of mine, Peter Shanks, that features all the attractions of the country for the male golfer in particular. I’ll more or less just condense and excerpt the Website in my review, but let me make a few comments at the outset.

Peter Shanks I came to know through one of his sons, here in Livonia, Michigan (USA) in the 2007 timeframe. Peter’s an amazing individual, coming of age in the aftermath of WWII in England and becoming a professional golfer. (He played in six (British) Open Championships during the 1950s and 1960s, once notably being paired with Gary Player, the South African hall-of-famer.) After his playing days—and using life-transforming motivational tools of Zig Ziglar, Napoleon Hill, and others—he built a worldwide golf club manufacturing and fitting operation called PETRON, which dominated the British and European market for years.

He then became European Golf Sales Manager for Wilson Sporting Goods, at the time the largest sporting goods manufacturer in the world. This position took him around the world, where he became familiar with the exceptional living conditions available in the Far East for extremely modest cost. And the people tend to be warm and friendly. Peter’s experience led him to choose the Philippines as where he wanted to live out his days. Emphasis on live. He’s also among friends… as a strong ‘ex-pat’ community has materialized there.

The brochure he has turned into the Website (and may possibly create a travel book from it) expresses quite succinctly and lushly what you, the average retired Englishman golfer—and by extension American or European—can expect to find in the Philippines: lifestyles of the rich and famous on a blue collar budget. Clearly not many Shangri-las stand out as available for the John Does of the Western World… when they’ve finished with their years of 9 to 5 daily grinds for the Man. (Especially single John Does who have their health and still appreciate the attentions of the fairer gender.) Check it out.

The site/brochure contains contact information for Peter. Knowing him as I do, his main motivation is to build on his community of friends and share the love and abundance. I believe the Riviera Estates and Golf Club, where Peter lives, also wishes to draw more residents to their charming, underdiscovered corner of the world. Enjoy.

The Big Picture

Phili2Affordable Living, Dream Homes

Phili3The Whole Shangri-La

Phili4Easy to Be Here


Get the whole picture by visiting the Website and do some SunFLOWermore Web exploring in general, especially via And if you’re like I am, here in Michigan USA—shaking off the worst winter in decades—think about taking a breather next season on the other side of the world… where ‘everyone knows your name’ and treats you special… and they’re not from the government!

For more info, contact my friend Peter Shanks here: His main business these days is actually to provide, collaboratively, to serious customers the ‘whole enchilada’ when it comes to designing and building the home of their dreams—whether for vacation or permanently—and showing them the ropes for full enjoyment of the lifestyle they desire, at a reasonable price and schedule. [And please tell him that you learned of this enviable Philippines’ way of living from the Coffee Coaster site and its proprietor, his friend, Brian Wright. Thanks so much.]

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2 thoughts on “Book Review: Golf, Life, and Fun in the Philippines (2014)

  1. A blast from the past!

    I recently signed a four week, 20 working days contract with Gary Speiginer an American (with both an MBA & MSIT from the University of Redlands in California), now living close by, to update my existing site and I gotta tell you Brian, I’m singularly impressed with what Gary has achieved in the first 11 days, remarkable, way beyond my expectations and at Filipina prices, wow a huge saving on UK & USA prices.

    Hoping that one day soon you will jump-on-a plane with your golf clubs, Starbucks in hand and visit as our house guest… Peter.

  2. Thank you Brian for doing my concept, my web page and myself proud. ‘ALL’ we need, I say all in inverted commas, is one client to make it well worthwhile for each of us!

    Thanks again,


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