Guest Column: The Brian Williams Interview… of Ed Snowden (5/27/14)

Forming a Reasonable Picture of the Snowden ‘Avatar’

SnowdenThough, following the advice of my herbalist, I did not subject myself to a full mind-numbing hour of a network news anchor conducting an Event, I did catch highlights on the Web such as this summary video here from The Young Turks (TYT). What comes across loud and clear is that whoever and whatever may be the deep spook content underlying Ed Snowden, on a personal level—just as Daniel Ellsberg years before with the Pentagon Papers—Snowden is a freedom icon and a libertarian, individualist hero. He projects a Randian aura of self-confidence and deliberate, modest, articulate righteousness. He is a good guy, and children should look up to him and want to be like him.

That being said, the following two pieces get close to the probable heart of the matter:

Snowden, Brian Williams: Staged amateur night for suckers
by Jon Rappoport (, May 30, 2014)

You could call it a completely incompetent interview, but Brian Williams is supposed to be incompetent. That’s his job.

Don’t take a Snowden comment and drill down into it. Don’t connect dots. Don’t delve into Snowden’s history. Don’t ask serious questions about the NSA.

Just make the interview seem important. That’s all that counts. Give the impression that the interview is an Event.

When Snowden suddenly told Williams he was trained as a spy, he wasn’t just an analyst, when he said he’d worked under false names at false jobs he didn’t really have, for the CIA, NSA, and DIA…that’s a show-stopper.

Hold everything. “Really, Ed? What did you do? What kind of thing? You worked for the DIA? Never heard that before. When? Why haven’t you said you were a spy before? Why hasn’t Greenwald mentioned this? Does the New York Times know this? The Washington Post? When you took that last systems-analyst job for NSA in Hawaii, as a contractor for Booz Allen, you’d already been a deep-cover spy for NSA? What exactly was your job at NSA in Hawaii, Ed?”

And that’s just for starters.

Once you open up that subject, who knows where it might lead?

And how about this: “Okay, Ed, we’ve heard you took anywhere from 20,000 to 1.7 million NSA documents. What’s the real number? I’m asking this, in part, because at the rate those documents are being released, by your press friends, we’ll all be long dead before the full cache is made public.”

And then: “Let’s talk turkey here, Ed, about NSA internal security. This is the biggest, richest, most brilliant spy agency in the world. And yet we’re supposed to believe they overlooked one little thing in their structure: they just forgot to secure their own data. Oops. They just forgot. All these years. Therefore, as you’ve said on several occasions, any employee of the Agency with ordinary access could stroll in and steal the farm. Really? Is that what you’re selling?”

“As a follow-up, how did you take all those documents? We’ve heard the magic secret was: you had a thumb drive; other employees gave you their passwords; you were ‘special,’ so you had access to everything; you were doing systems checks. So what was it? How did you pull it off? You took so many documents from different categories of stored data. The NSA had no compartmentalization?”

“Early press reports cited your experience in Geneva working for the CIA as a crisis point in your odyssey. You learned that several CIA people there turned a Swiss banker. They got him drunk one night, encouraged him to drive home, he was arrested on the road, and these CIA guys rescued him from his problem. From that point on, they were able to get him to pass along confidential banking data to them. And this soured you on the CIA. This shocked you. Really? Are you serious? This upset you? You were working for the CIA. You knew what they do. The banker incident was nothing. This sounds like a made-up tale of an agent’s disillusionment with his own people—a piece of a legend.”

“Another thing that doesn’t add up: your time in Hong Kong. According to press reports, and Greenwald’s account, it was touch and go for you there. You’re in a hotel, you’re walking the streets, you’re meeting with Greenwald and Poitras…but during those few weeks the entire spying and surveillance apparatus of the US government just can’t find you. And they can’t cover the airport well enough, when you fly out of there, to snatch you up. All this is very fishy, Ed. Something else is going on here, Ed. What is it?”

“And oh yes. Your days in the military. You state you applied for a position in Special Forces, and during your preliminary training, you broke both legs and they let you go. I understand that Special Forces program involved taking tests for “vocational possibilities.” I assume this would have let your superiors know you were a computer prodigy. Wouldn’t Special Forces have drooled to employ a prodigy? In which case, why did they let you go when you broke your legs? Did you need your legs to work on a computer?”

This is called digging. But of course, that isn’t Brian Williams’ job. He’s the All-American newsboy on a bike riding through a Disney neighborhood tossing papers on porches.

Digging in this way isn’t any mainstream reporter’s job. The official narrative won’t permit it. The sanitized Snowden story is only about: is he a patriot or a traitor?

Whereas, in real life, there are enough doubts and inconsistencies about Snowden and the NSA to wonder: was the whole thing, the whole deal, the whole theft of documents an op?

A planned operation?

For example, was Snowden still working for the CIA when CIA people GAVE him those NSA documents to walk off with? Was this part of a turf war between the CIA and the NSA? Was this the kind of spy Snowden was/is?

Did CIA people appeal to his patriotism to convince him that this op would be a noble enterprise?

Were these few CIA people patriots themselves, working off the books?

Was the theft of NSA documents part of a much larger plan to let the American people know they are being spied on, 24/7? To enforce the power and effectiveness of the Surveillance State? Because, when you think about it, the population needs to know they’re being spied on. That’s the biggest priority. Then they tailor their own thoughts and words and actions voluntarily. That’s what makes the Surveillance State work.

Of course, the American people don’t consider all these potential elements of the Snowden affair.

Although they watch spy movies and television shows, they don’t believe, when push comes to shove, that intelligence operations have layers and false trails and cover stories and limited hangouts.

They don’t believe that deception can run that deep. They don’t stop to realize that all spies are trained to lie.

Lying convincingly is the number-one requisite for a spy. Lie to enemies, lie to friends, lie to the press, lie to other agencies of government. Full Williams-Snowden commentary.

You Are Being Played by the Intel Community
Kurt Nimmo, 5/28/2014

PlayedIn February, Dr. Steve Pieczenik told David Knight of Infowars Nightly News Snowden admitted during an interview he was recruited by the CIA and the NSA.

“Snowden is very typical of what we in the intelligence community would want to do, and that is to create an avatar or an image of a person who may be a traitor or a whistleblower, so that we allow the American public to play off either part of two figures the intelligence community creates.”

Pieczenik said the CIA and NSA create avatars like Snowden so they can control the narrative.

He also cast doubt on former RAND Corporation military analyst Daniel Elsberg who SunFLOWerleaked the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam War. According to Pieczenik, Elsberg was a CIA operative under State Department cover.

“The CIA has nursed and initiated a lot of Elsbergs,” Pieczenik said.

Full Nimmo article here.

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