Book Review: Requiem for Humanity (2011)

Human exposition: Last remaining homo sapiens…
by Alan Hoshor
Review by Brian Wright

Requem for HumanityThis review comes about from a unique set of circumstances: The author, Alan Hoshor, approached me via my email at the Coffee Coaster with an invitation to read and comment on his short ebook—it is available currently as a Kindle file, and he is in the process of publishing a conventional book via Createspace. The topic is one in which I have a fair interest, namely, ‘transhumanism’ and what we may expect as biological humankind moves toward the Singularity[1] and beyond. Mr. Hoshor’s focus is on the nearer-term ramifications of the transition. Continue reading

Movie Review: Hombre (1967)

The best small Western of all time? ___ 9/10
Review by Brian Wright

HombreJohn Russell: Lady, up there in those mountains, there’s a whole people who’ve lost everything. They don’t have a place left to spread their blankets. They’ve been insulted, diseased, made drunk and foolish. And you call the men who did that Christians and you trust ‘em; I know ‘em as white men and I don’t….
Jessie: Russell, if nobody ever lifted a finger until people were deserving the whole world would go to hell. We’d better deal with each other out of need and forget merit. Because none of us have too much of that, not me, not you, not anybody.[1] Continue reading

Guest Column: The Artist vs. the Collective

The artist vs. the system …
by Jon Rappoport
Excerpted from, December 24, 2012

The CreatorWhatever his medium, the artist stands outside the group and the group’s slogans.

If the group is living in Tuesday, he is living in Friday.

He sees invention everywhere, even in the faces that float by on the street. He sees their theatrical roles and the messages that are written on their lips before they speak. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: ‘Citizens United’ Ruling, January 2010

What Hath “the Supremes” Wrought?
The January 21, 2010 ‘Citizens United’ ruling on corporate funding of political campaigns strikes raw nerve(s)–originally posted 2/1/10

Amazingly, what should have been a routine narrowly construed remedy to a violation of a nonprofit conservative group’s (Citizens United’s) freedom to show a documentary about Hillary Clinton seems to have opened a floodgate for corporate money and power into the campaign process. But on the bright side, The People are beginning to question the incestuous relationship between the corporate power and the state power… and the moral legitimacy of both. — bw Continue reading

Book Review: Our Enemy the State (1935)

Our Enemy the State
by Albert Jay Nock
Our Enemy the State
Review by Brian Wright

“Taking the state wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators, and beneficiaries from those of a professional criminal class.”  — page 22

Everything is perfect about this work of private-scholarship art and high opinion, including the title:  It doesn’t pussyfoot around, goes right for the jugular, the political-economic CMS (center of maximum sleaze).  Can’t get more succinct:  Continue reading

Movie Review: The Passion of Ayn Rand (1999)

The complete picture, esp. the humanity _ 9/10
Review by Brian Wright

The Passion of Ayn RandBarbara Branden: On March 8, 1982, a line formed outside a funeral parlor in New York City. I stood there in the cold with hundreds of people waiting to say goodbye to an old woman few of them had ever met. Yet most of those people would have said she changed their lives. I had been her closest friend, and she mine. But all of that ended a long time ago.

The critics had called her a leader of a cult, a dangerous threat to public morality. Her name was Ayn Rand, and I loved her. Continue reading

Guest Column: Federal Terror-Op[1] Double Whammy

1) Kill children and lie, 2) disarm the protectors…
by Oathkeepers and Jon Rappoport

Newtown_1It’s ironic that the freedom community has to spend so much time responding to occasional crimes of mass murder by ‘lone nuts’ when the federal government commits mass murder in the tens of thousands daily [averaged over the past several decades] and routinely as public policy. — ed.

Plus, in the more publicized US mass shootings this year—the Batman killings in Aurora, Colorado 7/20; the Sikh Temple incident in Oak Creek, Wisconsin 8/5; the recent Sandy Hook murders in Newtown, Connecticut 12/14—credible information exists that multiple shooters acted in each… information the police have suppressed. Thus, based on the Iron Law that governments always lie, the three attacks were almost certainly staged or targeted/enabled special ops to further a policy of disarming the population with institution of a full police-state dictatorship. Continue reading