Stonebeam 3. Invasion of the Je Ne Sais Quoi Snatchers

Story Shot 3, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 31 October 2020

Most Americans of my Baby Boomer origin (born 1946-1964), and a few die-hard science fiction fans afterward, remember the short classic movie of 1955, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, starring Kevin McCarthy and Dana Wynter. Outstandingly thought provoking!

[Briefly, from outer space comes a life form that takes over a mind-equipped species (humans in the movie) in a process of absorbing the mind-souls of individuals—into giant seed pods that become a duplicate of the humans’ bodies while the target persons sleep. (Yes, the process presents a number of logical problems, call it poetic license.) The consciousnesses of the newly formed pod-bodies merge into a collective-brain ϋber-consciousness called the Democrats, kidding; no, the new organism at the individual level IS rather like a communist “ideal society:” no self-identity, no emotions, no ambition, no necking and petting with your girlfriend at the drive-in theater… pure soulless, sexless collective brain.]

Whew! It’s actually a bit of work to put the synopsis to words. Continue reading