Brian’s Column: The Grand LP: Breakthru Year?

The Libertarian Party (LP), at least here in the Hinterland,
seems ready for primetime (originally posted 5/31/2010)
by Brian Wright

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism
to the tempestuous sea of Liberty. – Thomas Jefferson

And in This Corner

So now comes the LP of Michigan (LPM), with its 2010 convention in Okemos (a relatively well-to-do bedroom community of Lansing, the capital, and East Lansing, home to Michigan State University). Yours truly, being acting Webmaster and having a long history with the LPM—actually one of the founders in 1972—I continue to have high hopes. The photo on the right shows Bill Hall, current “political director” of the LPM. Political director is such a plum job: organizing the candidates and getting the paperwork together for the state elections commission. Continue reading