Guest Column: Vaccines: Who is Right, and Whose Right is it?

How can we make a responsible choice on such an important issue?
By Foster Gamble of Thrive

vaccineOP1Excerpted briefly from full column on Thrive site here.

Here on the front lines of the vaccine culture wars, not to mention the civil liberties wars, virtually nothing can make me more happy than to see that Thrive is finally weighing in on the important issue of vaccines… with all barrels a-blazin’. Mass deception and inertia seem to have held up the irresistible force of the truth for months now, just as the people in general have reached the threshold of awareness on the hard-to-believe machinations of the medical cartel, Big Pharma, and coercive government agencies. With Thrive on board and its 30+ million views (one million + per month) the alternative and Web media will turn toward reason, freedom, and science, decisively. A breakthru in mainstream is therefore imminent, too… which will powerfully thrust humankind toward the New Paradigm.

All double-fact-checked and science-based, per the Thrive Way. Here goes:

When it comes to vaccines, either you agree to have your child (and/or yourself) injected with some amount of microorganisms and additives, or you don’t. How can caring parents wade through the deluge of conflicting opinions and information surrounding the issue to make the most responsible choice? Continue reading

Guest Column: Fly Behind Closed Doors

Excerpt from Foster Gamble’s July 11, 2015, column in Thrive
Full column here

I heard someone yelling and turned to the stage where an ancient-looking, paunchy, white man with red-rimmed eyes and a snarl was scolding the participants.

“I don’t know how many times I have to repeat it. We can’t control this many people. We have to get rid of most of the useless eaters and it’s not happening fast enough. You each have power and responsibility in this, so what the hell have you been doing this last year?”

A CEO from a chemical company stood to defend himself, saying, “We control over 80% of what they eat already, and we have laced it with GMOs, hormones, aspartame, and pesticides. Our MSG combines elegantly with all the High Fructose Corn Syrup they consume to create cancers and heart disease and diabetes at an unprecedented rate.” Continue reading