Stonebeam 6. Having the Furnace Checked Out…

Story Shot 6, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 07 November 2020

… and other common ground.

This is election week 2020, I guess you would call it. And sure enough on the Friday, at least among my Twitter contingent—and other real friends in the freedom ‘neighborhood’ here in the SE Michigan area—we’re still reading and hearing about major voting shenanigans by the Michigan, and other swing-state, Democratic machinery in the presidential race. It goes higher, of course.[1]

[Probably, this one will wind up in the Supreme Court, too.]

I have an appointment to clean out my old Bryant heater.

Chad—not his real name, but seems fitting in honor of the Republican Party machinations to steal the prez election in 2000— is on his way. I’ll give a plug to his real company, Efficient Energy of New Hudson, who has been doing my major appliance work since dear Mom was living here and oh so special. I believe it was she who first found E2, while I was away contracting.

2020 is the “season of covtardia,”[2] as I’ve mentioned in previous beams.

The optimist in me believes the season will end as the facts come in, this year.

And part of this sense of optimism comes from the simple man-to-man w/Chad that commences almost at his point of arrival. Company image is likely the reason for the mask, though Chad wears his the better to breathe ‘round. They’re busy these days, as one might imagine, weather being springlike.

Forgot how I delved into it, something like, “The Biden rallies had, like, 10 people with face masks, Trump 10s of thousands, mostly muzzle free. What’s up with that? Did it seem to you, Chad, like a TV show with a foregone conclusion?” Continue reading