Are the Ebola attacks a distraction to let CDC off the hook for murder?
Please view this original guest column from Jon Rappoport regarding the breaking story that nobody in the mainstream media (MSM) broke, which was that the US Center for Disease Creation and Infection (CDC) fraudulently reported that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine showed no link to autism. In fact vaccine tests revealed a 300%+ likelihood of autism and brain damage in black boys; these test results were simply removed from the final 2004 paper by CDC scientists… by the mechanism of eliminating the black boy data set altogether. Sweet. Rappoport gives names and faces to the Mengelian medicine practiced, with apparent impunity, at the highest levels of government and industry.
So the CDC high crime was committed in mid to late August 2014, and media accomplices omitted any reports, for a couple of weeks. Until—saved by the next public disaster (Ebola)—the mobsters skated, the public being none the wiser.
“CDC Whistleblower… This is the REAL Smoking Gun!” by Jon Rappoport
September 10, 2014
On August 27, CDC scientist William Thompson came out of the shadows and revealed that he had participated in a major scientific fraud:
He and his co-authors had published a 2004 study claiming there was no MMR-vaccine connection to autism. They had omitted vital data which contradicted that finding.
The MMR vaccine was causing autism. Thompson knew it. So did his co-authors. They buried that chilling fact.
In Thompson’s confession, released through his Cincinnati attorney, Rick Morgan, Thompson asserted that he would work with Congress, but he wouldn’t speak to reporters.
Why not?
Two reasons immediately spring to mind.
Thompson made a deal with the CDC, where he is still employed. He would aid in the current media blackout, thus trying to preserve the reputation of his bosses.
In return, the CDC wouldn’t take any number of possible actions against him, the lightest of which would be suspension.
Two, by avoiding reporters, Thompson side-steps very unpleasant confrontations—if those reporters aren’t corporate androids.
For example: what degree of guilt does Thompson really feel? By hiding the MMR-vaccine connection, he contributed to large numbers of children taking the vaccine and incurring brain damage—over the past 10 years.
How exactly did Thompson and his 2004 co-authors, two of whom are also major CDC executives, come to hide and bury the vital data?
What were those criminal conversations like?
How was the cover-up actually achieved? Who else at the CDC was involved?
In particular, what role did Julie Gerberding, head of the CDC (2002-2009) play?
Thompson sent a letter to Gerberding on February 2, 2004, a week before a major meeting on vaccine-autism issues.
Mike Adams of released that letter. In it, Thompson writes that he will be “presenting the summary of our results from the Metropolitan Atlanta Autism Case-Control Study [and]…I will have to present several problematic results relating to statistical associations between the receipt of MMR vaccine and autism.”
Thompson is referring to the data which we now know were the basis of the 2004 study that embodied fraud and cover-up.
So Gerberding, the head of the CDC, knew there “were problems.” She knew Thompson was telling her there was a causal connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.
That’s what Thompson meant when he wrote to her: “problematic results relating to statistical associations between the receipt of MMR vaccine and autism.”
Gerberding is now president of Merck Vaccines.
Do you know what vaccine Merck manufactures?
The vaccine which was let off the hook and given a free pass in 2004. The vaccine which, Thompson and his co-authors concluded—committing fraud—had no connection to autism.
Julie Gerberding. Former head of the CDC. The behind-the-scenes key figure in a scandal that could blow up the CDC.
Gerberding knew. She knows.
She now heads up the company that makes and sells the MMR vaccine.
Jon Rappoport
QED: Saved by false-flag Ebola op? — bw
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