Guest Post: Down Under to be First Plowed Under?

June 22, 2015

Red flag: grand experiment: the plan for a future Australia
by Jon Rappoport (original here)

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

power outside the matrixA new report, undoubtedly overblown in its predictions, but still important, states that up to 40% of Australian jobs could be transferred to machines in the next several decades, with a projected loss of five million human jobs by 2030.

See “Australia’s Future Workforce,” issued by CEDA, the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. Stephen Martin, the head of CEDA, states: Continue reading

Guest Column: Is ‘First US Ebola Patient’ a Hoax?

Banner headline for duplicitous claim suggests hidden agenda
From Jon Rappoport at
October 1, 2014


Trumpeted headline news:

An unnamed Ebola patient is isolated at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, after arriving from Liberia (see also this).

First of all, we have the highly dubious marketing aspect of the whole event, in order to achieve an explosive effect.

Media outlets, taking their cue from the CDC, are using the term, “1st US Ebola patient,” when that is obviously false.

Several other Ebola patients have been treated in the US, most notably Dr. Keith Brantly. Continue reading

Guest Column: We Are Not Your Enemy

An Open Letter to the World from an American
by Chuck Smith

Chuck_SmithThis video and manifesto by a Texan named Chuck Smith—whom I had never heard of until two days ago—can save the world if it breaks thru to millions of people. It’s the most succinct, precise, and heartfelt illumination of the enormous central problem Americans and humanity face today. Continue reading