Brian’s Column: Liberty or Death?

While working on my Good Neighbor Libertarian presentation …

Henry… for the Liberty in Action seminar put on by the Libertarian Party of Michigan this coming Saturday, I came upon the need for that key phrase at the end of Patrick Henry’s rousing speech on the floor of the Second Virginia Convention, in Richmond, Virginia, on a bright spring day on the eve of Revolution:

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

Is it? And I was thinking of it in connection with how many, if not most, Libertarians and citizens seem to entertain the comforting delusion that we haven’t crossed the line into full-spectrum federal tyranny (with state and local government abdication). Well, we have, and it’s a useful stirring of the blood to read Mr. Henry’s words—substituting ‘globalists’ or ‘US predatory government’ or ‘Pod Lizards’ for the ‘British imperial forces.’

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Guest Column: We Are Not Your Enemy

An Open Letter to the World from an American
by Chuck Smith

Chuck_SmithThis video and manifesto by a Texan named Chuck Smith—whom I had never heard of until two days ago—can save the world if it breaks thru to millions of people. It’s the most succinct, precise, and heartfelt illumination of the enormous central problem Americans and humanity face today. Continue reading

Guest Column: Club of Liberals

Thoughts on the club of liberals, transhumanism,
and depopulation, by Jon Rappoport

libertas_veritasJanuary 25, 2013:

By liberals, I simply mean those people who accept big government as a given, regardless of their political affiliation.

And yes, at certain key levels, they are a club. They come from major media, large corporations, banks, the military, well-funded foundations, investment houses, do-good non-profits, legal and medical societies, academic factories, think tanks, and of course the huge pool of government employees. Continue reading