Guest Column: Since When is Limiting Immigration a Crime?

And since when is bombing and invading other countries a virtuous act?
by Jon Rappoport (excerpt from, 1/25/16)

the matrix revealedDouble trouble.

Somehow, putting a lid on immigration is now a crime against humanity. That’s quite a propaganda triumph. So let’s announce, with a great flourish, that the US and Europe will welcome everybody else on the planet. Let’s go all the way to prove our tolerance and good will. Why not? The wonderful people who support waves of immigration don’t seem to be able to put a top number on this whole operation. They have a bone stuck in their throats. They can’t say, “Well, here is the absolute highest number of immigrants who can come in.” They just can’t. To do so would taint the quality of their heroic empathy. It would rip a hole in their Sails of Love.

“Mr. President, perhaps you could tell us how many immigrants we can admit to our shores. When would it start being a, you know, problem? We just want to get an idea of the scope of this whole thing. When do the numbers begin to exert a strain on the economy, for example? Aside from, ahem, now. Continue reading