About Brian Wright

Hello, I'm Brian Wright, the proprietor and chief content provider to this Web opinion and review site. The Coffee Coaster (thecoffeecoaster.com) has been around since late 2006, and in early 2012 I finally decided to give the site a major makeover with this Wordpress implementation. My views are 'wholistic libertarian,' meaning focused on the spiritual--I like to use the word: essentual--evolution we will need, individually, in order to reach the New Paradigm of peace, freedom, and abundance. Let's help one another in the process.

Book Review: Christmas Branches

Latest Jack Kline collection of Christmas tales is a shareworthy feast
Reviewed by Brian R. Wright

The work of exceptional new fiction writer Jack Kline came to my attention a couple of years ago with the P.I. novel, But Not for Me, set in 1930s Kansas City and introducing Philip Morris and entourage into the pantheon of—some say ‘noir,’ I say ‘good’—classic detective literature. This year the author has assembled thirteen short stories from his imagination and family experience that capture the essence of Christmas… its intertwined holy day and ‘holiday’ aspects. Christmas Branches is a welcome addition for our time to the classic literature of the season.

As explained in the foreword, Jack’s writing career was presaged by the first story he ever wrote, as an assignment in the ninth grade. It was about Santa Claus saving a man from frozen death in a Christmas Eve blizzard… which became, in 2008, “Only a Christmas Story.”  That piece came one year after he wrote “Naming Christmas,” a splendid resolution of Jack’s recalled insensitivity, as a 13-year-old, to his dad’s feelings about “not getting the right tree,” for the family occasion. [Both of these Christmas stories appear in the author’s Blowing Carbon (2009) reflections.] With the Santa story:

“The bug had bitten. Each year since I have gifted my family a new story. A few have since been published, including “Christmas with the Pack” in the United Kingdom’s Prole magazine. All of them up through 2018 are included in this collection.

“Why Christmas Branches as the title?

“Decorated evergreens were originally part of pagan celebrations of Winter Solstice. Gradually, particularly during Queen Victoria’s reign in England, evergreens became integral in the Christian observation of Christmas. Each story in this volume is intended to be a branch of the overarching Christmas story—a story of joy, giving, faith, and love.

“I hope readers feel how much I love Christmas and the magical feeling it engenders, both religious and secular. Some of these stories do not directly relate to the reason for the holiday, but they show warmth and generosity that are part of the season. And some reflect more directly on the birth of Christ, including an unusual visit to Bethlehem at the time Joseph went up from the town of Nazareth.

“May these stories enhance your joy of this most special season.

“Merry Christmas,

“Jack” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Vigil for Peace and Liberty

As goeth Palestine, goeth the world
By Brian R. Wright

In keeping with a new spirit of, well, peace and liberty—and a PMA (positive mental attitude)—I am covering an as yet little known public demonstration, every Saturday in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on behalf of Palestinian freedom.

The demonstrators tell us: “Far too few Americans are aware that a self-appointed syndicate effected by a handful of Jewish-nationalist ideologues (Zionists) connived with US and UK global statists to seize the Middle East land of Palestine—via terror, mass murder, and expulsion—resulting in the ethnic cleansing of >750,000 residents. It was called the Nakba, officially launched and consummated in 1948 with the founding of the ‘Jewish’ apartheid state known as Israel. But the Nakba and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians continue to this day. As the vast majority of Americans continue to HAVE NO EFFIN’ IDEA, thanks to Jewish Power’s iron fist on the mainstream media.”

Here’s a realistic Twitter feed of the Israeli harsh realm.

I’m covering this story because: As a middle-class kid growing up in Kansas in the 1950s and 60s, I went to a Protestant (Lutheran) church and sang hymns, and so on. As important, I was taught in school and the media that the US government was benign, just, and trustworthy. Also that six million Jews were killed by Hitler and the Germans during “The ‘Good’ War.” Like my peers, I just took the official stories on faith. The Walter Cronkites on TV sealed the general feeling—with an aura of deep sympathy for the Jewish people—as axiomatic truth… though later, qua engineer, I knew the six million number had to have some amount of tolerance +/-. [Turns out quite large -.]

Nobody in authority, including my parents, ever relayed information like the following quotation (and its systematic implementation) from the ‘George Washington of Israel:’

“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”
— David Ben Gurion, to his general staff in 1948 Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Epstein Trails

An unparalleled opportunity to end the Cabal and move forward

Since the dawn of unconscious humanity, our species has endured empires of aggression and collective domination by elites who run them. So in the realm of general psychopathy, nothing is new under the sun about what Jeffrey Epstein and his handlers were doing—basically pimping/child-sex trafficking to virtually ALL the “Men of the Deep Power Sickness” of our day. And when I say ALL, and I say DEEP, this means just about every high political official of the United States (from the White House to the state house)… for starters. AND, needless to say, large mainstream media-social media (MM-SM) figures who covered up and continue to cover up the raw criminality of all this.

Before I do any real assessments of my own, let me first send out to my loyal readers, what I have learned from established, courageous independent-media sources. First, anyone seriously interested in the foundational truth and accountability behind the Epstein Trails must read the outstanding series of articles from Mintpress.com, written by Whitney Webb:

The author’s recent chat on FB .

The latest from Ms. Webb, October 2, 2019:

Then for a more up-to-the-minute—was released just as Epstein was officially pronounced suicided—journalistic assessment of where we are on the official story, this Steemit video from guerilla journalist, Luke Rudkowski:

Let me also point you to one of the more important independent media crowdfund projects (because the MM-SM is treating the Epstein Trails as ‘see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil’ case that will actually END them). And it will. Which is why all the MM-SM sources are uniting to discredit and take away the platforms of the real journalists who speak truth to power… Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc., and of course the ‘Jewish CBS'[1] dinosaurs represented most by the Washington Post and the NY Times. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Outlaw (1943)

A movie so bad it’s fun to watch[1] ___ 4/10

Reposted from the previous post on October 22, 2014. — ed.

Prologue: “The Outlaw” is a story of the untamed West. Frontier days when the reckless fire of guns and passions blazed an era of death, destruction and lawlessness. Days when the fiery desert sun beat down avengingly (sic) on the many who dared defy justice and outrage decency.

Yeah, right. Avengingly?! Outrage decency?! Who wrote this stuff?

THIS MOVIE outrages decency!

Written by Howard Hawks and Ben Hecht
Screenplay Jules Furthman
Directed by Howard Hughes

Jack Buetel … Billy the Kid
Jane Russell … Rio McDonald
Thomas Mitchell … Pat Garrett
Walter Huston … Doc Holliday
Mimi Aguglia … Guadalupe
Joe Sawyer … Charley
Gene Rizzi … Stranger

From the gitgo, you can search far and wide for a connection between Billy the Kid (William Bonney, played by Jack Buetel) and Doc Holliday (Walter Huston) and you’ll never find one. But who knows whose idea it was—the director Hughes or the writers Hawkes and Hecht—to mess with history so blatantly. My guess is Hughes.

Another thing: the musical score is the first-movement theme of Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Opus 74, ‘Pathétique’ by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1893). I kid you not, Hughes goes positively surreal on the music. About the only connection to that period in the American West is that it’s the second half of the 19th century. This symphony by Tchaikovsky has been standard fare in orchestra halls in the West, like forever, appealing to the wealthy urban elites with refined and educated musical tastes. Pathetique has this connotation of majestic sadness… totally disjoint from a bunch of goofy hillbillies wandering around bantering inanities in the New Mexican desert. Continue reading

Guest Column: An Independents’ Manifesto

You are fighting the most important battle of all time
by Caitlin Johnstone   Original column appearing on her site here.

On the channels of Twitter, still, Ms. Johnstone waxes eloquently… frequently. And I’ve been reading her with relish (and the other more spicy condiments :)) for several months, I believe she hails from Down Under. That’s right, Melbourne, according to her Facebook Page. You will not read a more bracing, or more independent, political and public affairs writer. And this excerpt pointing to this column of hers I’m composing as a guest column. She’s also especially fond of another Australian, Julian Assange, whom US federales and UK lackeys seem to have kidnapped without any pretense of legality.

The column that follows could be the catalyst that brings success to ALL the truth and justice people worldwide. I see it as the perfect Independents’ Manifesto—in line with my own terms and work. For those who wish to move in a practical direction toward success, NOW, please read my book American Gumption-Catharsis and support and/or practice the Hendrickson Discovery. Then to get a handle on how the Independents’ movement will roll out, check out my novel, The Truman Prophecy.

One more thing: Thank you, dear Caitlin, I love you, too.
— Brian R. Wright, proprietor


If you are reading this, it’s most likely the result of a series of events in your life which have drawn your interest and attention to the fact that our world is quite a bit different from what we’ve been told by our school teachers, by the news media, by Hollywood, and by politicians.

At some point, for whatever reason, you’ve come to realize that the consensus narratives in our society about what’s going on are false. The tools that people are taught to use to inform themselves about their government, their nation and their world are not just full of inaccuracies, but deliberate distortions, ranging from the reasons we’re given for why wars are started, to the way our political systems work, to where real power and authority actually lies, to the way nations and governments actually behave in the world.

This awareness has come with a degree of alienation. Not buying into the same consensus narratives about the world as your friends, loved ones and peers comes with an inability to relate to them on some levels, which can cause you to feel a lack of intimacy in those areas. You may have also found yourself the odd one out in conversations about politics or other controversial issues, maybe even lost old friends over it.

But you kept going anyway. For some of us, it’s more important to be true to the truth than it is to fit in. You’re one of those people.

So, I just want to say thank you. Sincerely. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m on-my-knees grateful to anyone who sets about untangling themselves and their species from the deceitful narratives which pervade our society. It is the most important battle that can possibly be fought. The most important battle that has ever been fought. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Sharing Healing Tools

Major positive transformation from defining a new psychological affliction
By Brian R. Wright

“Man cannot survive except through his mind. He comes on earth unarmed. His brain is his only weapon. But the mind is an attribute of the individual, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COLLECTIVE BRAIN. The man who thinks must think and act on his own. The reasoning mind cannot work under any form of compulsion. It cannot not be subordinated to the needs, opinions, or wishes of others. It is not an object of sacrifice.” — Howard Roark, from his courtroom speech in Ayn Rand’s book and movie, The Fountainhead

You tell ’em, Howard! The movie, starring Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal, was released in 1949—that’s right 70 years ago, the year I was born  (Wow.) I own the DVD and watch it regularly for inspiration… in a world where far too many people have abdicated responsibility for thinking for themselves. It’s so much easier to live your life second hand, isn’t it? Fit in, accept the imagery and calming, unctuous TV anchor-speak from your favorite mainstream bubble-headed bleach blond, as The Eagles used to sing.

Yet as Rand makes quite clear, such groveling in group consciousness is not only NOT a road to success (of a life or a culture) it is, in fact, the fast train wreck to the harsh end of the species. Why? Well, because when most men would rather accept 2+2=5 to go along and get along they quickly forget how to add. People will do what they’re told by the glorified leader(s) of the collective and be dead wrong. Ultimately wrong and dead.

Note: from this point to ### End of Excerpt from AGC ### I describe a practical action that is available, unfortunately, solely to American readers, thanks to a provision in the US Constitution that all direct taxes must be apportioned among the states (Article 1, Section 9, which has never been repealed or amended)—in effect only permitting the federal government to tax Americans in the exercise of federally bestowed “privilege,” i.e. making the income tax an avoidable excise tax.

Here’s my basic argument in American Gumption-Catharsis (AGC) on how we can/must leverage the Hendrickson Discovery (Discovery) to achieve a world of human beings living and practicing Independent Consciousness:

More on Independent Being…

… in these times. Let me use this page to give you a brief idea of “where I’m coming from,” to use the vernacular of the 60s. And what’s in it for me.

Note: the entire Chapter 5 in AGC, entitled Independents Rising, I have uploaded here: http://brianRwright.com/AGC_Independents_Rising.pdf.

Alongside the 2016 election season, I wrote a book The Truman Prophecy, subtitle same as this chapter (Independents Rising). I also created the Website, Global-Spring.org, which is my umbrella for all I’m visualizing for humanity—a benevolent society of reason, freedom, and joy for fully creative, actualized beings of Independent consciousness.

And I saw myself humbly as founder of the modern Independents’ Movement, as conveyed seminally in that book. To paraphrase Jefferson, “I have sworn eternal hostility toward every form of collective consciousness over the soul of man.Continue reading

Book Review: 63 Documents

The government doesn’t want you to read
by Jesse Ventura
Review by Brian R. Wright

Review first published 12/16/2011.

Nice little compendium of what many of us longtimers in the Truth and Freedom Movement (TFM) have known for some time, but perhaps not realized the source material for. The Governor has performed a wonderful public service by compiling 63 documents—actually 63 sets of documents—on US government (USG) crimes, atrocities, and coverups … and precursors of USG crimes, atrocities, and coverups. Everything from JFK deciding to pull out the troops from Vietnam (pretext for his assassination) to the USG letting a major pharmaceutical company distribute a pesticide for spraying that imperiled the honeybees is covered.

If you believe in things like making a pact with the devil, you might say that our own intelligence agencies did just that at the end of World War 2. That’s when we started giving many of Hitler’s top henchmen not only sanctuary in our country, but putting these same Nazis to work for us. The Cold War with the Soviet Union was beginning—and the excuse was that we needed every bit of expertise, scientific and otherwise, that we could get.

It almost seems to me that the Cold War was staged so the weapons manufacturers and others could make money off it. Otherwise, how could we go from being allies with the Russians all through the war to their becoming our bitter enemies almost overnight? As Colonel Fletcher Prouty once said, “Nothing just happens, everything is planned.”
— page 60

All These Docs Are Government Docs

In fact, the book should have been named more accurately, 63 Sets of Government Documents that the Government Didn’t Really Plan on You Reading. Most of them were classified at one time or another, but some of them slipped thru the bureaucratic cracks, and others were obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. What I like about Jesse Ventura writing something like this—with Dick Russell—is that he sounds like a fairly ordinary guy. Not some Alex Jones or Jim Marrs knowledgeable expert who has been studying the invisible government and Men of the Power Sickness (MOPS) forever. For example, when he discusses the Pentagon’s non-response on 9/11:

The question that’s haunted me from day one is how come the world’s biggest military superpower was somehow oblivious to rogue airliners in American air space for more than an hour, and our top brass seemed so befuddled in terms of dealing with hijackers apparently using these four planes as flying bombs. Why couldn’t our fighter jets intercept at least one of them? — page 217

Continue reading