Guest Column: An Independents’ Manifesto

You are fighting the most important battle of all time
by Caitlin Johnstone   Original column appearing on her site here.

On the channels of Twitter, still, Ms. Johnstone waxes eloquently… frequently. And I’ve been reading her with relish (and the other more spicy condiments :)) for several months, I believe she hails from Down Under. That’s right, Melbourne, according to her Facebook Page. You will not read a more bracing, or more independent, political and public affairs writer. And this excerpt pointing to this column of hers I’m composing as a guest column. She’s also especially fond of another Australian, Julian Assange, whom US federales and UK lackeys seem to have kidnapped without any pretense of legality.

The column that follows could be the catalyst that brings success to ALL the truth and justice people worldwide. I see it as the perfect Independents’ Manifesto—in line with my own terms and work. For those who wish to move in a practical direction toward success, NOW, please read my book American Gumption-Catharsis and support and/or practice the Hendrickson Discovery. Then to get a handle on how the Independents’ movement will roll out, check out my novel, The Truman Prophecy.

One more thing: Thank you, dear Caitlin, I love you, too.
— Brian R. Wright, proprietor


If you are reading this, it’s most likely the result of a series of events in your life which have drawn your interest and attention to the fact that our world is quite a bit different from what we’ve been told by our school teachers, by the news media, by Hollywood, and by politicians.

At some point, for whatever reason, you’ve come to realize that the consensus narratives in our society about what’s going on are false. The tools that people are taught to use to inform themselves about their government, their nation and their world are not just full of inaccuracies, but deliberate distortions, ranging from the reasons we’re given for why wars are started, to the way our political systems work, to where real power and authority actually lies, to the way nations and governments actually behave in the world.

This awareness has come with a degree of alienation. Not buying into the same consensus narratives about the world as your friends, loved ones and peers comes with an inability to relate to them on some levels, which can cause you to feel a lack of intimacy in those areas. You may have also found yourself the odd one out in conversations about politics or other controversial issues, maybe even lost old friends over it.

But you kept going anyway. For some of us, it’s more important to be true to the truth than it is to fit in. You’re one of those people.

So, I just want to say thank you. Sincerely. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m on-my-knees grateful to anyone who sets about untangling themselves and their species from the deceitful narratives which pervade our society. It is the most important battle that can possibly be fought. The most important battle that has ever been fought. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Beginning

Letter launch of Trumanism and invitation to Global Spring

What follows is a template of a hard copy letter with enclosure of my three-fold Trumanism brochure. It’s a letter with my audience—consisting of individuals to whom I’ve sent my book, The Truman Prophecy—broken into four categories:

  • They’ve read it but not yet posted comments (4-or-5-star review requested) to the Amazon page.
  • They’ve probably not yet read it but I would like them to and then post favorable comments.
  • They’ve read it and posted their favorable comments to the Amazon page.
  • Eventually, I’ll develop a letter template for general promotion, i.e. to those who are reasonable prospects for Independents Rising => Global Spring.

To each of these individuals I solicit spreading the good news and encouraging ‘signing up’ on my Independents Rising site, [Signing up entails expressing support in entering name and contact info and/or indicating level of interest: more info, want to help, have read the personal Declaration of Independents (PDI), have signed and notarized the PDI… and/or will take part in additional work efforts in the Trumanist-Independents’ activity matrix.] In other words, building cadre. Continue reading