Guest Column: Orlando Gay Community

Caught in the crossfire on an international stage
by Kevin Brant, excerpted from Facebook post to General Truth News

OrlandoCasting about on the Web and social networks, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the ‘Orlando incident’ is extremely fishy to say the least. I particularly appreciate this serious attempt to provide background. From a well-reasoned post on Facebook by Kevin Brant. — Ed.

Is there more to this story than meets the eye?

Evidence and recent history suggests yes there is:

A 2014 Human Rights Watch Report found that government agents were ‘directly involved’ in most high-profile US terror plots:

“Nearly all of the highest-profile domestic terrorism plots in the United States since 9/11 featured the ‘direct involvement’ of government agents or informants, a new report says.”

Why do governments inflict terror on their own population? Continue reading

Guest Column: Oregon Standoff, Long-Term Success View

Real strategies for removing federal presence from Western lands
by Brandon Smith (excerpted from column here)

OregonWhen activist movements enter into confrontation with a corrupt government or establishment structure, often the temptation is to stick rather closely to what they know. The problem with this is that even though circumstances change and the fighting escalates, people will still turn to their old standby methods for defending themselves. This makes these movements repetitive, predictable and ineffective.

In the case of the liberty movement, the more passive tactic of marches and sign waving is immediately suggested. But inevitably some hothead is going to demand one of two things: a mass armed surge on the steps of Washington, D.C., or some kind of Alamo-inspired cinematic standoff. You would think that these strategies were the only two in existence; they are brought up so often it becomes mind-numbing. Continue reading

Guest Column: Obama Sheds Fake Tears for Wrong Victims

Obama Sheds Crocodile Tears in Push for Gun Control
Infowars, January 5, 2016

NobamaPresident Obama really tried to sell his sorrow and grief during his most recent speech on gun control, in a pandering display that should go down as one of the greatest theatrical performances in political history.

After a long introduction to his unconstitutional gun plans filled with pregnant pauses for effect, absurd jokes and misinformed stats, the Commander-in-Chief, as in previous instances, broke down into fake tears.

“Every time I think about those kids [at Sandy Hook], it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day,” the president said, evidently acknowledging that the city with the toughest gun laws in America has a high homicide rate. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Open Letter for Satyagraha

Breaking_Free_w_911Note: This is the root open letter for an intended worldwide ‘pay it forward’ individual email campaign aiming to convince persons, one at at time, of the need to understand and publicly assert the truth of 9/11 en masse. The benefits of understanding the truth of 9/11 and investigating, indicting, and prosecuting legitimate suspects are enormous… and immediate:

  • No Patriot Act
  • No TSA
  • No DHS
  • No NDAA
  • No statist gun control
  • No wars in the Middle East
  • No mass-blanket surveillance
  • No poison skies
  • No poison foods
  • No Obamacare
  • No Common Core
  • No unconstitiutional federal authority whatsoever…

It’s lights-out, bright-future Planet Liberty, overnight. Continue reading

Guest Column: Peace and Guns

The common ground of peace and armed citizens
by Scotty Boman

Scotty Guns PeaceFrom the Daily Paul 08 February 2013

In addition to being a libertarian activist, I am also a peace activist. In the course of attending meetings, rallies, and protests, I have noticed confusion by some anti-war activists who favor laws designed to prohibit, or severely limit, private gun ownership. Some have suggested that it is hypocritical of me to advocate both non-violence and gun rights.

The most absolute approach to non-violence is pacifism; but can a pacifist support gun rights? The answer can be found in a careful analysis of core moral principles. Pacifism is a philosophy most notably promoted by Jesus Christ, as described in the canonized gospels. These teachings have been adopted by well known twentieth century activists such as Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. To sum it up in a few words, pacifists oppose violence as immoral, regardless of any provocation or defensive justifications. A pure pacifist is willing to be killed or allow others to be killed rather than take up arms to defend one’s self or family.

The other moral code at issue here is the non-aggression principle. This philosophical standard builds on premises developed in the enlightenment movement, which appears to have influenced writers of the United States Constitution. Continue reading

Guest Column: Letter to the Leahy Subcommittee

Spokesmen for Hitler’s victims know why gun rights
‘shall not be infringed’
by Ron Burcham

JPFOMy letter was e-mailed to the Senate committee hearing, for today (1/30/13) only, on “What Should America Do About Gun Violence.” It was sent to the 18 members of the committee which include Feinstein, Schumer and Franken. Also it was CC’d to both Levins, US Congressman Kerry Bentivolio of the 11th District of Michigan, and Senator Debbie Stabenow for good measure. If anybody actually reads it I’ll be on another list for sure. 🙂 [1] Continue reading

Guest Column: Healthcare Professionals for Guns

Respect for tools of family protection
by Ron Burcham

BurchamI was at the dentist yesterday for a filling and some other work. The dental assistant noticed my empty holster and my First to Fight cap. I had left my .357 in the truck. She asked if I was a Vietnam Vet. I said yes and she said her dad was a AF Vietnam Vet. We chatted about her dad teaching her, her sister and her mom how to shoot and his license to carry. She teases him about the bumper stickers on the back of his truck. Continue reading