Brian’s Column: Phyllis Joy Wright—Patriot, RIP

A ‘Greatest Generation’ icon passes the torch

Mama_01No mother is more special than another, I guess, unless it’s one’s own. And—sadly, very sadly—my own World’s Greatest shed her mortal coil a week ago last Tuesday. I had hoped and planned she would be around for another decade… or until the cure for kidney disease and/or aging came along. But it was not to be. I do feel that Phyllis Joy Wright’s extraordinary life portends for humankind imminent political freedom and a spiritual elevation—at least worthy of a notability nod by Wikipedia. In any case, please take the following narrative tribute of her in the universal sense; she’s a pure embodiment of the subtle, intuitive, immensely powerful ambition ‘Mothers in General’ have for their children: liberty, peace, and abundance… more or less in that order.—ed. Continue reading