Guest Column: Good vs. Evil Tell

How to instantly tell who’s evil vs. good:
the philosophy of ‘control’ vs. ’empowerment’
… from Mike Adams
Excerpt from Natural News 4/30/2013

Good vs Evil Tell(NaturalNews) I get this question all the time from readers: How can we know whom to believe? Who’s really telling the truth? Which person should I support for political office at the next election?

What if I told you there is an incredibly simple way to tell not only who’s good and who’s bad, but also how to tell who is pushing absolute evil onto our world? Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Breaking the Spell

A free society first requires we “snap out of it”
by Brian Wright

Body SnatchersWatching the events surrounding Boston Massacre II on April 15 unfold and then the news and the news of those events, I’m struck once again by the patently absurd official story as the government and media keep the masses woefully entrained and infotained inside the Barrier Cloud du jour. The talking heads don’t even pretend to straighten out the facts or answer the obvious questions any (home-schooled) five-year-old would ask. Continue reading

Donut Hole: Eating as We Want to Be

The changing face of Planet Foodalicious
by Brian Wright

Changing EatsPam, pretty woman from India behind the counter, the manager I’ve got to know at Dunkin’ Donuts down the road, gave me another survey to take at in return for a free soft drink with a donut… or is it the other way around? No need to get into the culinary promotions of a modern fast food giant; the idea is to find out what the customers are thinking to better satisfy them. Which is how it’s supposed to be in a free market world. Anyway, this isn’t the first time I’ve had something to say about ol’ Dunkin’… which is rather an icon of corporate gobbledom started by an entrepreneurial Yankee back in the 50s. Continue reading

Book Review: Nonaggression 101 (SNaP Module #2: 2010)

Liberation Technology User's Guide: Nonaggression 101Lesson on the nature of aggression and non-
by Brian Wright

Previous Installment: SNaP #1: Kindergarten Rules

Nonaggression 101 is the second installment of a series of seven that describe and advocate the Sacred Nonaggression Principle (SNaP)—my book evangelizing that we hold the nonaggression principle (banning the initiation of physical force) as the highest standard in social systems. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Visitor (2007)

Low-key, anti-Prison-Planet film will shake you

The VisitorProfessor Walter Vale: [Upon learning Tarek has been deported… from the facility in Queens]
: He is no longer with us.
Walter: Was he moved to another facility, to another state?
Guard: All I know.
Walter: Would you please find someone who does know?
Guard: Hold on.
Walter: Appreciate it. Thank you, thank you very much.
Guard: He’s been removed.
Walter: Removed to where?
Guard: Deported.
Walter: Deported when?
Guard: Deported this morning.
Walter: No, how can that be? Is there uh, um, any way that I can contact him?
Guard: I don’t think so.
Walter: You don’t think so. What kind of an answer is that?
Guard: I’m sorry, sir, that’s all the information I have. Now, please step away from the window. You can contact IC if you want to, number’s on the wall.  Now, step away from the window. Sir, for the last time, step away from the window.
Walter: [Walking away, then slowly coming back, tremor in his voice, tears of anger and pain in his eyes] You can’t just take people away like that, do you hear me? He was a good man. A good person. It’s not fair. We are not just helpless children. He had a life. Do you hear me? I mean, do you hear me? What’s the matter with you? Continue reading

Guest Column: Take the Media Hypnosis Test

hypnosisA simple test to find out whether
you’re under the spell of media hypnosis…
from Mike Adams
Excerpt from Natural News 2/16/2013

Note: Within the next few days, I’m going to expand this excerpt to prepend, as a minimum, two test questions regarding the recent Boston Marathon incident and, say, the government’s claims as to the acceptability of GMO foods…  or forced vaccinations or stratospheric atmospheric engineering (chemtrails) or torture or drone kills of civilians or summary presidential executions or indefinite detentions without trial or federal gun confiscations or etc. etc. [obviously we can make a long list of actions the government and its media arm have been successful in snowing mentally susceptible people to the effect that such actions are quite fine and humane.]–Ed.

(NaturalNews) Here’s a valuable self-test to find out whether you’ve been hypnotized (and controlled) by the mainstream media and its engineered false reality. After you take this test, watch the stage hypnosis videos I’ve selected for you, below, and you’ll be astonished to learn just how hypnotized most people really are. Original Mike Adams article here. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Liberty and Celebrity

Some thoughts on ‘being known for being known’
and what it means to the freedom movement

This definition of celebrity—being known for being known—is pretty close to a quote from a an interesting piece I read from a Web article by Daniel Epstein published a couple of years ago in The Weekly Standard of all places[1].  Actually, Epstein was quoting Daniel Boorstin from The Image: Or What Happened to the American Dream: “The celebrity,” Boorstin wrote, “is a person who is well-known for his well-knownness.”[2]

Epstein continues by making a distinction between fame and celebrity: fame being based more on actual achievement, while celebrity especially recently become more the art of being paid attention to by large numbers of people on television regardless of any personal noteworthiness. Probably the most classic example is Brian “Kato” Kaelin, the house guest of OJ Simpson.  The Kaelin persona reminds me of the Woody Allen movie, Zelig, in which a nondescript man seeks to blend in and dissemble as if he were one of the famous people himself. Continue reading