Guest Column: When the Courts Fail

Local Is Our Solution
by Dennis Marburger

Visit original full column here at P.A.N.D.A. Website.

MarburgerBLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP, MI: On New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the unconstitutional National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA). The Act contained sections 1021 and 1022, authorizing the military arrest and indefinite detention (without trial) of Americans and others, a legislative action in violation of the oath of office taken by congress and the president. This dangerous and unlawful edict  attacks freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition our government for a redress of grievances, freedom to be secure in our persons, the right to due process when charged with a crime, the right of a trial by jury, all without any sunset provision. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Parable of Nocium

… and Nodoum

TrollarchyPart 1 of this column is here.

Logan Dance was called a swing doctor by some, but really what he did was help people to find their way thru the thickets and weeds of life. Frequently, these choke points were nothing but old paths, leading nowhere now, to which the client had become accustomed, trapped. Almost always the habits were self-imposed, at the beginning out of a sense duty, and were now held in place by inner force, a realm of the ‘musts.’ Logan’s technique was simple: ask a few questions to identify the source of the burden, discover the authentic thrust of personal energy inside, maneuver the client to a position to  drop the burden (without resistance and without hurting anyone), and let it go. Continue reading

Book Reviews: Wanda Hickey’s Night of Golden Memories (1971),204,203,200_.jpgAnd other disasters, by Jean Shepherd
Reviewed by Brian Wright

1971, Doubleday [stories originally appearing in Playboy]

“For some unaccountable reason, I discovered I was a consumate polka dancer. The polka is a true soul dance. You don’t learn it; it engulfs you and sweeps you on in a flood of braying coronets and tootling clarinets and the thundering syncopation of bass drums and cymbals.  The drummer, a heavy-set Pole, squatted like a toad and his equipment, operating with the machinelike precision of a pile driver. I bounced and sweated, Josie clinging and hopping, ducking and bobbing as one born to the beat…”
— from “The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski” Continue reading