Guest Column: It’s Not Just Unlawful, It’s Downright Awful

Doreen Hendrickson facing injustice needs our help
By Janice Daniels (excerpted from her column here)

screenprintIt is easy to imagine, but impossible to neglect or accept the fact that in 2015, nefarious government forces continue working overtime to try to silence the truth about taxation, income and justice.  So what’s new?

Remember, it was just 52 short years ago, when from a jail in Birmingham, Alabama, on April 16, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. penned the famous words, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Lest you think me too cynical, and that I speak only of smoke-filled rooms, in far off places, where the insatiable lust for power breeds an unspeakable level of corruption, consider the case of Mrs. Doreen Hendrickson, who lives right here in Oakland County, Michigan. Continue reading