Brian’s Column: Independents Rising

From chapter of the same name in American Gumption-Catharsis
By Brian R. Wright

Note: This column is a transcription from Chapter 5: Independents Rising of my book on the Hendrickson Discovery, American Gumption-Catharsis, which argues that filing educated—according to Pete Hendrickson’s book, Cracking the Code—can be THE way to man up for psychological independence. End the universal immediate threat to the species of collective-brain syndrome (CBS) and collective-brain psychosis (CBP).

Context is the irrational response on Quora to Jeremy Lee’s arguments on the nature of the tax…

The negative commenters are all over the map with ad hominem, ridicule, appeals to authority, evidence-bereft assertions, irrelevancies, and just ordinary logical contradictions. Every fallacy in the book. Like talking to those who get their info from the national anchors.

And here’s the remarkable shared irrationality:

Virtually all the leading proliberty pundits, from Paul Craig Roberts to Jacob Hornberger—to the extent they don’t simply ignore the Discovery—exhibit the same mix of fallacious ‘thinking’ as the Olivias, Jeffs, and Bruces when they dismiss CtC-educated facts and logic.


I have a feeling the comprehensive answer to this simple question is potentially HUGE for the Discovery movement, as well as to right virtually every wrong in the world today and hold evil at bay indefinitely. So please bear with me for a page or five of analysis.

Consensus Mind (also Collar Mind, the ‘Collareds’)

Jon Rappoport coins the term ‘consensus reality,’ referring to the real-world side of the same phenomenon. In the old days of Ayn Rand and her then protégé, Nathaniel Branden, coined the term, social metaphysics, which is the psychological affliction of…

“…one who holds the consciousness(es) of other men, NOT objective reality, as his ultimate psycho-epistemological[1] frame of reference.” Continue reading