Guest Column: Book Review: From Yahweh to Zion: 1

From Laurent Guyenot’s From Yahweh to Zion
Chaper 1: The Birth of Israel

Since I am going to be occupied for the next couple of months with writing a couple of urgent books—one on the Hendrickson Discovery:American Gumption-Catharsis and one on First Principles’ grand juries: The Accountability Project—I have decided to use most of my Guest Columns and my Brian’s Columns during that time to basically plug and write an extended review for a watershed book… on perhaps the most important subject we can all learn more about: Jewishness and Israel. I say this mainly because of the demonstrable and ongoing primeval horrors that country has unleashed upon the people of Palestine, and the large-scale insidious crimes the sovereignist-Jew collective-psychosis has inflicted on all the countries and peoples of the world though-out history, in particular, with the advent of modern Zionism and ‘the Jewish State’ in the 20th century… leading to the death knell for America and her First Principles.

As with any deep collective-mind pathology, we cannot effect a healing (psychological independence, self-responsibilty, individual virtue, humanity) without an understanding. Mr. Guyenot has performed a dispassionate, scholarly service for which we—Jews AND non-Jews—will all be eternally grateful.

Starting off as a delusional general in a military coup, roughly 8 1/2 centuries BCE.

The Birth of Israel

“If you faithfully obey the voice of Yahweh your God, by keeping and observing all his commandments, which I am laying down for you today, Yahweh your God will raise you higher than every other nation in the world.” Deuteronomy 28:1

It is believed that a general by the name of Jehu first promoted the cult of his god Yahweh in the kingdom of Israel, after seizing the throne in 842 BCE. Yahweh Sabaoth (Yahweh of armies) seems to be the archaic name of this military god, which was carried in battle in a mobile ark (1 Samuel 4:4). He resembled Assur, the national and military god of the Assyrians, presented in Assyrian chronicles as the true king of the eponymous city-state, with the human ruler being only the vicegerent. Assur is a warrior god, who grants victory to his people and destroys the gods (i.e., temples and shrines) of conquered peoples. This is also, as we shall see, the dominant feature of Yahweh.

The one and only, this dude demands obedience. Begging the question, what kind of people actually choose Yahweh of their own free will? Whole lotta growlin’ Dobermans goin’ on.

In those ancient times, government propaganda took a religious form. And Yahweh is a vengeful god. He had defied Assur, was defeated by him, but continued to assert his superiority over his conqueror. The book of Isaiah, whose oldest strata was composed soon after the destruction of Israel by Assyria, is the founding document of that program: “Yahweh Sabaoth has sworn it, ‘Yes, what I have planned will take place, what I have decided will be so: I shall break Assyria in my country, I shall trample on him on my mountains. Then his yoke will slip off them, his burden will slip from their shoulders. This is the decision taken in defiance of the whole world; this, the hand outstretched in defiance of all nations. Once Yahweh Sabaoth has decided, who will stop him? Once he stretches out his hand, who can withdraw it?’” (14:24–27).

Guyenot reminds the reader that the Old Testament (which is what Christians call it; to Jews it’s the Torah) ain’t for sissies. It also contains some actual Jewish history. I tried once in my early adult life to read the Bible and I could not stomach the Old Testament… I literally could not stand this utterly sadistic and irredeemable ‘God.’ If Jesus was a Jew, he certainly only kept the necessary appearances. Nothing in common whatsoever with that miserable beast-father of the so-called Old Testament. Yahweh be da hahweh to nohweh:

But twenty chapters later, Jeremiah announced the “vengeance of the Lord” on the Babylonians and called on their Persian enemies to “slaughter and curse with destruction every last one of them” (50:21). In the same spirit, the author of Psalm 137:8 writes: “Daughter of Babel, doomed to destruction, […] a blessing on anyone who seizes your babies and shatters them against a rock!” The reason for this violent shift in Yahweh’s sentiment was that the situation had changed: in 555 BCE, a prince named Nabonad seized power in Babylon…

Deuteronomy appears to be a key foundation in the Yahweh-to-Zion mythology, being the sanctification of “shattering the unfaithful’s babies on rocks:”

Ezra the Proto-Zionist

Chapter 22 of the second book of Kings tells how Deuteronomy, the heart of the biblical canon, was “discovered” during the reign of Josiah. It was during renovation work in the Temple that the high priest Hilkiah found a “scroll of the Law (Torah)” that he identified as having been written by Moses himself. Historians interpret this narrative as a legend fabricated by priests to pass their new law (Deuteronomy) as the mere reenactment of an old law. Therefore, according to the most conservative biblical science, Deuteronomy dates to the age of Josiah around 625 BCE. The story of its discovery is a pious fraud. From the same period come most of the six historical books following Deuteronomy (Joshua, Judges, Samuel I and II, Kings I and II), which recount the history of Israel from Moses to Josiah. They form what is known as “Deuteronomic history,” as they are cast in the same ideological mold as Deuteronomy—what I more simply call Yahwism….

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