Book Review: Incident at Sakhalin (1995)

The true mission of KAL Flight 007
by Michel Brun
Reviewed by Brian R. Wright

The KAL 007 tragedy, September 1, 1983, was one of the most dramatic and dangerous episodes toward the end of the Cold War. Despite two official investigations, myriad television reports, newspaper and magazine articles, and books, the startling truth of the incident—in which 269 civilian passengers and crew lost their lives, and the world came closer to nuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis—has been covered up by the American state-security apparatus… in cooperation with USSR, Russian, Japanese, and dozens of other governments.

Michel Brun’s, Incident at Sakhalin, is a masterpiece of discovery and persistence in the face of official discouragement. He proves to rational certainty that the Korean Airlines Boeing 747 was destroyed not at Sakhalin by Soviet military fighters, rather it was destroyed an hour later and 400 miles farther south, off Honshu, the main Japanese island, by means still not established. Despite Brun’s clear and convincing evidence, found in this book, and years of presentation in various forums—private and government—the official series of lies—single-intrusion, single-shootdown near Sakhalin Island—has never been abandoned by the US government. As reflected here in the Wikipedia entry (Wikipedia is a notorious suckass for any official story—government or corporate):

Korean Air Lines Flight 007 (KAL 007, KE 007) was a Korean Air Lines civilian airliner that was shot down by Soviet interceptors on 1 September 1983, over the East Sea, near Moneron Island just west of Sakhalin island. All 269 passengers and crew aboard were killed, including Lawrence McDonald, a sitting member of the United States Congress. The aircraft was en route from New York City to Seoul via Anchorage when it strayed into prohibited Soviet airspace around the time of a planned missile test.

As a result of more than 10 years of research, Michel Brun captures the truth in this marvelous document, which at least four governments have conspired to conceal. Incident at Sakhalin not only obliterates the official story—a lone civilian airliner flies innocently off course where the ‘Evil Soviets,’ bloodlust in their eyes, shoot it down without so much as a “Hey, you!”. The book does far more, by showing that as KAL 007 approached the Russian Island of Sakhalin, so, too, did a number of US military and reconnaissance aircraft in an ill-conceived ‘black’ provocation operation that turned into a two-hour battle in which 30 or more US Air Force and Navy personnel were killed and 10 or more US aircraft were shot down.

I first heard of this alternative theory in the Playboy “Men” column, back in the 1990s when Asa Baber wrote the feature and mentioned this remarkable book and its thesis. After reading Baber’s column and seeing that it made eminent sense, I remember thinking at the time, wow, this guy is far out, taking a stand that requires a great deal of courage given how tied the media and the militarists (who have never stopped) running the country were to the official story. Almost as an acknowledgment of Baber’s guts, I bought the book immediately.

Then, for this review, I have just reread the book.

Most of you know that I’m a strong advocate of a number of “causality theories” (and proofs) for incidents involving American government treachery and coverup, from the Oklahoma City bombings to 9/11. With few exceptions, my judgment of those who conduct investigations into major public catastrophes—determining foul play by the sleaze-psycho-state and its financial backers—is that they bring the light of day, reasons and evidence, logic and sound civil argument to the table. Nowhere is this quality of quiet, competent integrity more true than with Michel Brun:

Brun is a French aviation expert who has been a captain in the Merchant Marine, piloted multiengine aircraft on long overwater flights, and has been an aircraft accident investigator and the chief executive officer of an airline based on Tahiti. As a boy, Burn was commended by Charles de Gaulle for leading raids on supplies and weapons in German Army camps in North Africa during World War II. He is the author of The Tragic Fate of the Thaiti-Nui, which chronicles a raft voyage from Tahiti to Chile that he undertook with one of his brothers. In addition to his native French, Brun is fluent in Japanese, English, Spanish, and Polynesian.

What Brun does first is to assess the many documents, from newspaper accounts and official statements to radar trackings. He was contracted by a couple of organizations: concerned family members of the victims and the Fund for Constitutional Government. Learning that debris from the 747 was washing up in the Sakhalin Island area 10 days following the time of the alleged shootdown, Michel Brun knew, based on currents and their speeds, that the point of destruction was much farther south into the Sea of Japan. Further, the water around the island is relatively shallow (less than twice the length of a Boeing 747), and no wreckage or bodies were ever found there… by the Russians, or by other vessels that witnessed what was happening in the air over the island that morning.

The first part of the book covers Brun’s discovery of multiple 747 debris pieces in multiple locations, on the western coast of Japan all far south of Sakhalin. The second part discusses records of flight, basically, from manifests of fuel carried, various data indicating course of the airliner and a following KAL plane 015, all the Japanese radar data that was available, and, later, transcripts of the communications of the Soviet defenses, and so on. The data on the other aircraft over Sakhalin that morning are from various sources, and Brun is painstaking in piecing together likely identities of the types of planes and where they were shot down.

In the years that passed, up to the publication of Incident in 1995, the whole Cold War relationship changed. Glasnost came about, the Berlin Wall came down (1989), and suddenly we were supposed to be friends with the Russians. Isvestiya in 1991 carried a series on the KAL 007 incident. While the series continued to spout the party line, it nevertheless added data to the story that contradicted or made the official story more difficult to believe. To me, the only major shortcoming of Incident at Sakhalin is that Brun does not continue to document the public statements of US government or media that maintained the official story. How could they be so obstinate? Why didn’t any media step up and challenge the federales? It would at least be nice to know by whom and where challenges were attempted.

Of course, the fact that the government and media buried the news about the real causes of what happened on September 1, 1983, answers my own question: it would have been (and is) a dramatic indictment of the entire US state-security establishment. Further, the most plausible narrative for KAL 007 going off course—though it never crossed Soviet or Sakhalin airspace— that morning is it was cooperating in the black op, causing a reconnaissance plane to be mistaken for a civilian airliner in the mix of military aircraft, thus making the Soviets think twice about risking attacks on the jets that had invaded its airspace. When the black op insertion—intended to gain intelligence on Soviet defenses by “lighting up the boards” for US surveillance satellites—caused such a dramatic escalation in Soviet response, my speculation is the US spooks arranged to have the airliner shot down… either with a ground or air-to-air missile, or remote-controlled preinstalled bomb.

If the crew of KAL 007 had survived, there would have been an inquiry, possibly Congressional, about the air battle over Sakhalin. The pilot or copilot would have talked and revealed that they were part of a bonehead US operation that almost led to a nuclear confrontation. By killing everyone and blaming it on the Commies (whom they had by the balls economically) the Reaganistas came out looking good and standing tall against the Great Satan. Later, in the 1990s, nobody in US spookdom wanted to chance the federales being seen as murderers of their own people to further a foreign policy objective; thus they would keep their PR-machine powder dry for other globalist-federal black ops that would kill thousands of American civilians, e.g. Oklahoma City and 9/11.








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