Book Review: SNaP Module #6: Productive Action (2010)

The practical ‘what-you-can-do-now’ to prosper book
by Brian Wright

Liberatio Technology User's Guide: Module #6: Productive Action… as one contributes to the dawning of a world of liberty. In naming this book, this module in the SNaP series, I went through a few iterations before settling on ‘productive action.’ But productivity is what I wanted to stress, because the Patharchy has been quite successful in suppressing the life force and its material foundations among the natural humans worldwide. Moreover, I needed to focus on economic actions that are productive at the same time they pose alternatives to the statist system.

From the title page: This module is “a practical ‘how to’ conclusion to the SNaP[1] analysis. Using the Law of Attraction and creative-motivated action to achieve our goals. Being positive and productive. Think. Act. Persist. TAP the SNaP. The wide wide world of the alternative economy. Agorism. Two dozen productive freedom projects you can do.”

Audience of Book

This particular book—which is actually a 28-page, easy-to-read booklet—proceeds from Module #5: Breakthru Strategy into identifying how you can survive and prosper doing freedom things. It starts out with a discussion of the concept of Agorism, which means ‘open market.’ It lets us know that the freedom of production and trade—the unfettered right of individuals to earn a living—is cemented into the United States Constitution and into virtually every state constitution. That fully natural, inalienable, right is what the American colonists were fighting for…

But as Thomas Jefferson states, it is natural over time for government to encroach on natural rights and liberty to yield. That’s certainly what has occurred: All the actions of freemen, all the rights of production and trade have been infringed by governments to the point of disappearance. That does not mean the rights no longer exist!

Special Note Regarding Political Action:

I do not take so hard a line against conventional political action thru government entities—voting, running for office, the LP, etc.—as many agorians. But I do share the agorian disdain for jumping  through legal hoops the statists place in our way for every little thing—filling out government paperwork and asking for permission.

Publishing Method and Context

Productive Action identifies 24 businesses you can do now. It fits into the rest of the SNaP series by giving practical solutions for anyone in the present—not just pie in the sky. I made the decision to break the SNaP book—published via Createspace—into seven distinct “modules…” for the younger, who do not like to read long stuff, and for the older, who find it difficult to read long stuff. These are the seven standalone modules, each approximately 28 pages:

  1. The Kindergarten Rules—“Don’t hit, don’t steal, don’t lie.” The nonaggression principle comes from simple truths, core values.
  2. Nonaggression 101—The fundamental rule of live and let live, and why it needs to be sacred.
  3. The Roots of Nonaggression—Psychological qualities that promote a society without coercion, the sine qua non of enlightenment.
  4. The Barrier Cloud (this book)—Addresses main causes of obstacles to movement along the Nonaggression Vector.
  5. Breakthru Strategy—Grand and petite strategies for busting the Barrier Cloud.
  6. Productive Action—Taking it to the streets: undoing the state and asserting our natural freedom to live our lives.
  7. Nonaggression Faith—Useful techniques for assessing progress and encouraging the SNaP in our lives. Religion and references.

The book size is now 5.5″ by 8.5″ (vs. std. ‘paperback’ 4.250 x 6.875) and text size was also increased to 13 point Times Roman, with plenty of spacing. Then, in keeping with the whole goal of approachability and usability, I conceived of the set of documents as a series of stepped-learning training manuals, each addressing a fundamental area of understanding and/or action about the SNaP. Hence, the tongue-in-cheek title for the series: Liberation Technology User’s Guide. Finally, I changed publishers from Lulu to Amazon’s Createspace, to take advantage of automated ISBN assignment and much wider sales opportunity.[2]

The Actions

The sixth module of the SNaP or Liberation Tech series lists 24 items for productive action and describes them. This is the list:

  • Support your local independent business
  • Class action suit vs. the Fed… etc.
  • “Give me back my money.”
  • Defelonization Constitutional amendment
  • Nongovernmental identification system
  • Religionizing the SNaP
  • Boycotting meats that use CAFO
  • Fast-food vegetarian hemp franchises
  • Guerilla manufacturing of autos, et al
  • Step up to lawful taxation
  • CO2 scavenging using hemp cultivation
  • Guerilla community education
  • General tax strike
  • Jitneys (unlicensed transportation)
  • Alternative health-care services
  • Alternative money systems
  • Alternative protection services
  • Alternative government
  • Guerilla flea marketing
  • Guerilla farming
  • Aggression-victim insurance
  • Guerilla charity
  • “Freedom local” alternative media
  • Give up your crummy government job

No matter what one chooses to do, it won’t work without the right feeling.

Attitude Factor

AKA the “Courage Factor” or, better, the “Gumption Factor.” I’m reminded continually that each of us needs to make a decision: do we live as free persons or do we not live as free persons? It is totally our choice. If you feel like being courteous, inform your state legislator or even your federal rulemaker, “Whatever the legislature does will not affect whether I live free. I am free, and I will not obey laws or rules that infringe on my natural free humanity. It is nonnegotiable. Have a nice day.”

So regardless of what happens “out there” with the guns and badges arrayed against us (until we turn them), or which real-market economic alternative we like, the first step toward success for us is to establish the appropriate ‘tude:

SunFLOWerFreedom is not something we ask for;
freedom is something we take.

[1] Sacred Nonaggression Principle: the idea that eliminating the initiation of force from human relationships is our highest calling in a social context.

[2] All seven modules are now published and appear on this page.

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