Book Review: Nonaggression Faith: SNaP Module #7

Turning the SNaP into a winning spiritual practice
by Brian Wright

Nonaggression FaithThis review represents the final module in my so-called Liberation Technology User’s Guide series (of seven): Nonaggression Faith. In this short book I lay down the foundations in creed, doctrine, and general requirements for a ‘religion’ and ‘church.’ Note the quotation marks around the two terms, necessitated by so many negative reactions to the unbracketed words. By religion I mean:

… an integrated system of belief in, reverence for, and practice of a supreme universal principle or idea, intended to bring spiritual fulfillment. Continue reading

Book Review: SNaP Module #6: Productive Action (2010)

The practical ‘what-you-can-do-now’ to prosper book
by Brian Wright

Liberatio Technology User's Guide: Module #6: Productive Action… as one contributes to the dawning of a world of liberty. In naming this book, this module in the SNaP series, I went through a few iterations before settling on ‘productive action.’ But productivity is what I wanted to stress, because the Patharchy has been quite successful in suppressing the life force and its material foundations among the natural humans worldwide. Moreover, I needed to focus on economic actions that are productive at the same time they pose alternatives to the statist system. Continue reading

Book Review: Nonaggression Roots (2010)

Looking at the psychology of nonaggression
by Brian Wright

Liberation Technology User's Guide: Module #3: Nonaggression RootsNonaggression Roots is the third installment of a series of seven that describe and propose the Sacred Nonaggression Principle (SNaP)[1]—my book advocating that we hold the nonaggression principle (banning the initiation of physical force) as the highest moral standard in social systems. Continue reading

Book Review: Nonaggression 101 (SNaP Module #2: 2010)

Liberation Technology User's Guide: Nonaggression 101Lesson on the nature of aggression and non-
by Brian Wright

Previous Installment: SNaP #1: Kindergarten Rules

Nonaggression 101 is the second installment of a series of seven that describe and advocate the Sacred Nonaggression Principle (SNaP)—my book evangelizing that we hold the nonaggression principle (banning the initiation of physical force) as the highest standard in social systems. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: “Yikes! When did toothpaste get to five dollars a tube?!”

From the mundane to the sublime: an epiphany
Originally posted 9/7/2009

Busch's MarketSo here I am at Busch’s—a family independent grocery store that sprouted on the corner of Meadowbrook and 10 Mile Road in Novi, Michigan—used to be a Farmer Jack. Not having children, never much of a grocery shopper, my idea of going to stores for things, for nearly 40 years, has been, “That looks really good (or cool, or different); just throw it in the basket. $19.95 may be a little steep, but that’s why God invented MasterCard.”

And so it would go… for food, for clothes, for drinks, for car stuff, etc. Continue reading

Human Interest: Liberty Forum, Winter 2009

FSP Liberty Forum underscores steady progress

The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit.
The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.
— Marcus Aurelius


This year I’m going to try to stay as current as possible with day-to-day activities, so no one has to wait for a few weeks to get the news. And news it is, at least in the Live Free Before You Die crowd, the Free State Project minions now well established in New Hampshire and planning to make their stands here come hell or high water. Things can always go our way, too, even with the advent of the Obamanon. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Happy Birthday Lauren Canario

Validating the SNaP with a striking illustration

This column can really be seen as a continuation of my early two-parter on the Sacred Nonaggression Principle (SNaP), because it brings up one of the main social justifications for state aggression (eminent domain) and shows the damage to real human flesh and blood of accepting that justification.

Lauren Canario is this marvelous woman I know from the Free State who took a stand against property theft by the state of Connecticut (the celebrated Kelo vs. New London, CT case), and now sits somewhere in that state’s incarceration system awaiting trial. Continue reading