Guest Column: How the Government Suppresses Free Energy Technology

We know bountiful energy alternatives exist, why not unleash them…
By ‘Buck Rogers’ excerpted from Activist Post

Tesla_1Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if better and cleaner energy sources were widely available and affordable to all of earth’s people? If so, you’re not alone, as the quest for a better energy existence has been the focus of many ingenious inventors, scientists, experimenters and even corporate and government scientists for generations.

We know it’s possible, but for some reason, though, society just can’t seem to get beyond 23.6 or so miles per gallon on average, highway. The gap between what science is clearly capable of and what is available to the consumer mass market is extraordinary, and here really is no need to be using up the world’s fossil fuels and building nuclear plants as if there were no tomorrow, but we do.

The truth is there for those who have eyes to see. Tremendous market forces and capital involved in government and in the energy and automobile industries make it practically impossible for any promising energy device or technology patent to emerge as a viable and accessible alternative in the real marketplace, and not just appearing on YouTube or at trade shows as prototypes. Alternatives do exist, but why are they not more broadly available?

In addition to the more famous cases such as Wilhelm Reich, and other scientific geniuses like Nikola Tesla, Raymond Rife, or Linus Pauling, many lesser known inventors have patented or attempted to patent functional energy devices that just never seem to make it to the public.

How exactly are advanced energy technologies and energy devices actually suppressed? One could argue that the suppression of energy technologies is a necessary evil by government, as Gary Vesperman has here:

An understandable reason for suppressing certain types of energy inventions is that the knowledge behind them is also capable of producing tremendously destructive advanced electromagnetic weapons such as the “death ray” apparently invented by Nikola Tesla. Hence many such new energy technologies, particularly those using this kind of knowledge of advanced electromagnetic principles, are considered “dual use” technologies that are among the 4,000 un-numbered patent applications confiscated in a vault at the US Patent and Trademark Office because of their military potential and the need to keep that knowledge from America’s enemies. [Gary Vesperman]

Some cases, perhaps, may surely be considered national security, but in today’s age, the public is discouraged from even looking into simple alternatives, and even the electric car was originally killed.

Who knows precisely how many opportunities the human race has lost to see free energy?

The Orion Project, an organization dedicated to the transformation of our energy usage took a close look at why this is the case, and exactly how the government suppresses free energy devices. In their review of past and now obscure technologies, they’ve noted the key ways in which alternative energy technologies are suppressed. Take a look:

Our review of past and now-obscure technological breakthroughs shows that these inventions have been suppressed or seized by the following broad categories of actions:

1.5.1 Acquisition of the technology by ‘front’ companies whose intent has been to ‘shelve’ the invention and prevent the device from coming to market.

1.5.2 Denial of patents and intellectual property protection by systematic action by the US and other patent offices.

1.5.3 Seizure or suppression of the technology by the illegal application of section 181 of the US Patent law or other illegal applications of national security provisions that result in the technology being classified or deemed “of significance to the national security”. Note that these applications are illegal actions taken by rogue, unsupervised individuals and entities who are working in collusion with interests to suppress these technologies.


Full article from Activist Post here.

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