Open Letter to Humankind re: Advent Day for 9/11 Truth and Justice
Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, 18 February 2017, Nation of Islam Founders’ Day
by Brian R. Wright
Here’s the whole enchilada: the best overall presentations and exposes of the 9/11 Big Lie (, as well as who are the most likely perpetrators needing to be brought before an independent people’s federal grand jury… or (for suspects who are citizens of other countries) an international tribunal that functions as a people’s grand jury.
The above link shows a remarkable presentation that I attended in Detroit at the gathering of Nation of Islam (NOI). I covered in my Coffee Coaster column here ( You are in for a treat, though admittedly the eye-opening can be painful. The main video has been recomposed to correct some errors in the projection process toward the beginning. The correction makes it incredibly powerful from its wonderful introduction right from the beginning all the way through.
The speakers are a perfect selection of the absolute BEST of the 9/11 Truth movement. It is practically divine inspiration and providence that they were invited for the same program and were able to come to Detroit as special esteemed guests of the NOI. Their background and vital topics of presentation are identified in an earlier CC column here (
For convenience I have created links for the YouTube video with start and end times for each of the parts of the overall plenary session “9/11 and the War on Islam” as follows:
Full plenary session “9/11 and the War on Islam” presentation here: Intro by MC Iliad Rashad Mohammed with montage summary of the 9/11 Big Lie
- Kevin Barrett: History of False Flag Attacks [masking State Crimes against Democracy (SCADs)] Richard Gage, AIA, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 ( The Science and Engineering of World Trade Center Building Destruction Bollyn: Bringing the Actual 9/11 Perpetrators to Justice—Iron Evidence Wrap Up and Brief Question Period
Presenters and Coffee Coaster Reference Links to Their Top Works
Here are the brief resumes and chief Coffee Coaster-reviewed works—these review links (or in the case of Mr. Gage, the link to the video Experts Speak Out) are attached to the men’s photos—for each of the speakers assembled at the NOI WOI 9/11 once-in-a-lifetime Truth and Justice Advent Day, 18 February 2017, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan:
Christopher Bollyn, Independent International-American Investigative Journalist
Christopher Bollyn is an American investigative journalist and the author of the Solving 9-11 set of books. He has a degree in history from the University of California at Santa Cruz with the focus on Israel and Palestine. He has written extensively about the Middle East, electronic vote fraud, the dangers of depleted uranium, and the history and geo-political background of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. He has spoken at seminars about 9-11 in America and Europe and carried out several speaking tours across the United States.
Richard Gage, Founder & President of
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (
Richard Gage, AIA, is a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 28 years, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Mr. Gage has worked on most types of building construction, including numerous fire-proofed, steel-framed buildings. Most recently, he worked on the construction documents for a $400M mixed-use urban project with 1.2 million square feet of retail, a parking structure, and 320,000 square feet of mid-rise office space.
Dr. Kevin Barrett
Kevin Barrett, an American Muslim and PhD Islamic Studies scholar, is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He has authored and edited several books, appeared on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and inspired feature stories in the New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Chicago Tribune, and other mainstream publications. A former teacher of Islamic Studies, Arabic, French, and Humanities at various colleges and universities, he currently works as Editor at Veterans Today, columnist at American Free Press, talk radio host, nonprofit organizer, and TV pundit on several international channels. His website is
Final Notes on Imminent Truth and Justice Victory
America and the world are in the midst of a great awakening, the crimes and atrocities of corrupt monsters who control the so-called Western democracies are being exposed one by one. Yet these same criminal ‘Dominant Inbred Psychopaths (DIPs),’ as Kevin Barrett refers to them, cling to the chain of lies they’ve created… each one bigger and more arrogant than the previous. Like the Wizard of Oz when Toto pulls back the fabric, they exclaim ever more loudly, “IGNORE THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!” [Or to use another parable, the court intellectuals keep insisting that the obviously naked king is wearing fine linen.]
The Grand Deception of the modern world rests on the false-flag, Islam-demonizing 9/11 attacks and their aftermath—the War on (Contrived) Terror… or the War OF Terror, take your pick. We are coming to the end of the deception one way or another; it has cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars. This weekend, 2017 April 8-9, the US government has illegally committed an act of war vs. Syria, and Syrian allies, including Russia, will undoubtedly retaliate in short order… leading to a World War where billions will die horribly and the living will envy the dead.
Regardless of how things turns out—whether the people look away and succumb to the lies and their wholesale annihilation or whether a brave kernel of us challenges the mon- ster Barrier Cloud and thereby ends it—I hope my readers will check their premises and self-liberate with genuine knowledge in the time we have left. Toward that enlightened end, I have found the following works indispensable:
Modern Foundations of Political Awareness
- Thrive (New Paradigm nonaggression social philosophy)
- Rule from the Shadows (Technology of modern mind control)
- Invisible Empire (New World Order exposé)
- Experts Speak Out (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth masterpiece)
- Trumanism (New Paradigm for fulfilling the human potential)
If we do pull out of the Cloud, it will be largely thanks to the courage of those who made Truth Advent Day a reality… and to the manning-up of those who conquer their formidable, yet illusory, CAKEr (chicks*** a**kissing evaders of reality) fears and face reality first hand w/o concern for the scorn of the naked king’s loyal subjects and sycophants. As the quintessential optimist I do expect Rise of the Independents to be in full swing by end of year. Join me! Join us! Join the the brave and the free!
“To stay silent when we should protest
makes cowards out of men.”
— Ella Wheeler Wilcox
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