Brian’s Column: Paean to 911-Truth Advent Day (2/18/17)

Open Letter to Humankind re: Advent Day for 9/11 Truth and Justice
Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, 18 February 2017, Nation of Islam Founders’ Day
by Brian R. Wright

Here’s the whole enchilada: the best overall presentations and exposes of the 9/11 Big Lie (, as well as who are the most likely perpetrators needing to be brought before an independent people’s federal grand jury… or (for suspects who are citizens of other countries) an international tribunal that functions as a people’s grand jury.

The above link shows a remarkable presentation that I attended in Detroit at the gathering of Nation of Islam (NOI). I covered in my Coffee Coaster column here ( You are in for a treat, though admittedly the eye-opening can be painful. The main video has been recomposed to correct some errors in the projection process toward the beginning. The correction makes it incredibly powerful from its wonderful introduction right from the beginning all the way through.

The speakers are a perfect selection of the absolute BEST of the 9/11 Truth movement. It is practically divine inspiration and providence that they were invited for the same program and were able to come to Detroit as special esteemed guests of the NOI. Their background and vital topics of presentation are identified in an earlier CC column here ( Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Allah, Truth Meet ‘n’ Greet in Detroit

Yer intrepid reporter visits Nation of Islam, 9/11 Forum, Saviours’ Day 2017
By Brian R. Wright

As Rudy Dent, 9/11 truth-hero FDNY firefighter ⇒, who was present at the gathering, said to me, “This very well may be a pivotal point in world history.”  And yours truly, being the perennial optimist—despite being toppled more times than roly-poly toy—agreed. It makes me think of the proverb my dad would tirelessly cite:

One man with courage makes a majority.
— Charles Lindbergh

With another line I’m adding to befit the occasion:

Two men with courage mean imminent victory.  

Yes sir, I noticed the phenomenon first when taking political science classes at my alma mater, Wayne State University— just up the road a few miles from Cobo Center and Joe Louis Arena where I am this weekend. In those days at Wayne, forty years ago now, I had recently become familiar with the heroic individualist (and libertarian) works of Ayn Rand… et al. We were early adopters of man against the state collective. Consequently, vastly outnumbered in poli sci or any other liberal arts classroom.

I did the best I could, occasionally raising my hand to challenge the worst strains of socialism and communism. But it was hopeless; teacher would reply snidely and his classbots would hoot and holler me down en masse; the silent majority didn’t care. That is, until one day a Randian friend with a scholarly bent joined me in audit mode: A couple of well-placed inquiries had the instructor stammering and left his puppy dog cheerleaders with no bone to chew on. I’ll never forget the lesson. When you work as a team, even so small as a couple of persons, bullies run away from you like the plague.

This is a good message to receive from the new symbiotic relationship between Nation of Islam (Nation) and the 9/11 Truth movement. Apparently, Nation leader Minister Louis Farrakhan has long felt the federal government to be lying about who conceived, orchestrated, and executed the attacks of 9/11… which justified vilifying Muslims and invading Arab Muslim countries around the world. It was he who directed his event planners to invite the best of the best leaders in the 9/11 Truth movement to Detroit to speak, all expenses paid.

The perfect image for Nation and 9/11 Truth is the great prize fighter, Joe Louis, shown on the right. We are embattled, but as ‘Two Men’ with courage, victory is imminent. The (corrected, updated) video of the presentations, which went out livestream worldwide to millions, is located here. It was spectacular, undeniable, and, I suspect, the best overall argument for proceeding to 9/11 justice we shall ever see. Also click on The Joe figure; it will knock your socks off! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 911 and the Emperor’s New Clothes

Open letter to my techie-buds in continued denial
by Brian Wright

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedOriginally posted October 28, 2012

… no matter who you are. But I especially want to address this short missive to my Old Paradigm peers in engineering and science professions, and libertarian friends from the world of technology who yet resist or deny exposure of the Big Lie that is the US government’s (USG’s) official conspiracy theory (OCT) of the attacks of 9/11/2001. Much is at stake; the people need you to firmly attest to objective reality, help shine the light to guide humanity in its dark hour of dire need.

Dear Esteemed Acquaintance:

In the past, I confess I’ve been too direct in asserting the overwhelming amount of evidence to the effect that the OCT is so absurd as to be, well, insulting. Those of you who still accept the OCT either 1) cite the few authorities, e.g. the Popular Mechanics apologia, who support it, 2) assert apriori assumptions—”No way my boy is a criminal.”—, 3) disguise consideration of evidence with kneejerk denial of evidence (e.g.: “Hi-tech explosives and molten metal were not found at the World Trade Center (WTC).”), or 4) refuse to face the issue at all. None of these responses will stand up to the tsunami of discovery by thousands of dedicated-citizen truth-seekers heading our way. So why not join the truth forces now? Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth-Letter Closure Campaign, Part 2 of 3

More on setting up the personal message

Continued from Part 1.

Vertical_GFABefore we go into the steps for writing and sending our personal letter of appeal to action that we’ll be writing, we need to give some thought to our audience. Aside from the categories, what distinguishes the majority of the people we’ll be sending to—of the 353 names on my own personal lists, I’m estimating that more than half are deniers—is they are ‘respectable,’ generally established middle and upper-middle-class people who desperately do not want to face the facts about 9/11:

If the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) is not true, then the alternative idea that insiders in and around the highest levels of their US government authority conspired to commit a false-flag act of state terror killing thousands of Americans, resulting in illegal US wars of aggression to murder hundreds of thousands of non-Americans, finally unleashing a global militaristic police state to destroy the last vestiges of liberty—serving the conspirators’ agenda of world domination and depopulation—… is far too LARGE to wrap their minds around: Continue reading

Guest Column: The Walls of the Big Lie are Crumbling…

An absolutely monumental shift is in process…
excerpted from, The Dollar Vigilante August 6, 2014… that most have not recognized yet. The truth, or at least some truth, is about to be shown to the American masses about 9/11. I say American masses because everywhere I’ve gone in the world outside of the United States, with few exceptions, almost everyone knows that the U.S. government conspiracy theory on 9/11 is for people with tinfoil hats who are either completely zombified or are under mass hypnosis. Most of the rest of the world looks on the U.S. like “The Truman Show” and can’t believe how many people in the show don’t realize it’s not real. Continue reading

Movie Review (II): Anatomy of a Great Deception—The Happening

Launch Party premier of extraordinary film by David Hooper
Event commentary and movie review by Brian Wright

Marqiuee_DaylightThis column is as much a ‘Happening’ review as a movie review. The Happening is the actual debut of the film, in Detroit, Michigan, at the Fillmore entertainment center (for most of its life, the State Theatre). Mr. David Hooper, producer and writer/director of the film, is on hand, as are the many people on the production and promotion team. In addition, Mr. Richard Gage, founder and director of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, comes into town to introduce Dave on stage and generally contribute to the success of the launch. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Anatomy of a Great Deception

How Building 7 woke me up
by David Hooper

Anatomy1This column is as much a ‘Happening’ review as a movie review. The Happening is the actual debut of the film, occurring in Detroit, Michigan, at the Fillmore entertainment center (for most of its life, the State Theatre) on September 5, 2014. Mr. Hooper, producer and writer/director of the film, has pointed me to an early draft version of Anatomy for review purposes. And… I… am… so… glad… he… did!

Like David, I came to question the official story of the 9/11/2001 attacks several years after they took place. But unlike David, my frustration in not being able to get friends, family, and huckleberries to so much as look at the evidence did not lead to creation of a deeply personal movie as a way around these obstacles. The same may be said for the soon-to-be millions of 9/11 truth activists (and Gandhian Satyagraha activists)[1] around the world. Despite mountains of evidence and persistent strong reasoning from objective reality, our collective batting average in convincing others to look at the evidence has been approximately 0.015… and that’s counting walks as singles.:) Continue reading