Guest Column: Remember the Liberty!

From an “If Americans Knew” mailing
by Alison Weir

Republished from May 22, 2017 original.

Dear Brian,

June 8th will be the 50th anniversary of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.

On that day Israeli forces tried to sink a U.S. Navy ship with all men aboard. They failed in that but succeeded in killing 34 Americans and injuring over 170.

Later, reluctantly, Israel gave the US $6 million “compensation” for the $40 million ship it had damaged so severely that it had to be scrapped.

When surviving crew members have called for a full, honest investigation of the attack, Israel and its partisans have called them “antisemitic.” Continue reading

Movie Review: American Sniper (2014)

Competent though wretched fare pandering to American Exceptionalism (3/10)
Reviewed by Brian R. Wright

As with most of Clint Eastwood’s cinematic efforts, American Sniper is good moviemaking; he gives you solid plot and engaging action. Also, in this case, Bradley Cooper turns in an excellent, believable performance as the Navy S.E.A.L. super sniper Chris Kyle.

Along with many in the peace and anti-imperialist community, I balked at watching this film. Even though the work is first rate and you are drawn into caring for the principal characters—gotta keep your war buddies from being killed and gotta handle the psychological problems of adjusting to nonwar life— the overwhelming question sweeps over you like a tsunami: “What in the hell are we doing here?!” Why are groups of brawny American men with guns and grenades going door to door in neighborhoods that US jets and artillery have bombed into pieces… and rousting scrawny remnants of once-thriving civilians, that OUR freedom forces have brutalized beyond recognition, clinging to life by a thread?

The magnitude of American wrongdoing in Iraq (and now all the other countries as part of the Greater Israel Project) is so depressing as to be an indictment of any enterprise associated with it, including, nay especially, Hollywood apologia. The fact that that the predominant USA! USA! booboosie masses are inflated by such barbarism directed against ‘the helpless other’ only serves to make American Sniper even more disgusting to anyone with the moral sensitivity or intelligence above a toilet seat. Continue reading

Guest Column: Eva Bartlett, Journalist

Exposes Corporate Media For Reporting Syria Misinformation
By Brandon Turbeville [Full original column here]

Ever since having utterly destroyed a smug mainstream journalist at a UN Summit over corporate media’s claims that they had sources inside East Aleppo, hospital bombings, and other “atrocities” committed by the Assad government, Eva Bartlett has been the subject of a corporate media smear campaign.

Corporate media outlets and their NGO talking heads have maligned her as a “Russian agent,” a “Syrian agent,” and, probably the most ridiculous of all, even a racist (meaning white supremacist). This last one, of course, is a hallmark of the more NGO-funded or mentally handicapped SJW contingency, the usual suspects who compulsively make this accusation. The argument is that saying the alleged “revolution” of bearded jihadist freaks was funded and orchestrated by the West is to deny that Arabs have the ability to orchestrate their own subhuman revolution of savagery. (Yawn.)

Still, this is quite a resume for a Canadian woman writing for alternative media outlets who can afford to pay very little for contributors (if at all) and traveling to places like Gaza and Syria on a shoestring budget in often rather unpleasant conditions. With Russia taking over the world and all, it’s surprising they couldn’t at least find better travel arrangements for one of their agents (or at least a .com domain! After all, the Russian hacking ability knows no limits, right?). It’s also odd that a white supremacist would find her life’s calling defending the rights of brown people against Western, largely white, nations. But I digress…

The assertions made against her are so baseless and incredibly imbecilic that they do not warrant refutations, especially since her detractors will simply invent another attack when the current one no longer works. Today, a racist Russian/Syrian agent. Tomorrow an anti-white capitalist pig, perhaps. Only time will tell.

But, despite the smear campaign, none of the corporate NGO attackers ever address a single claim she makes. Instead, they go right to accusations, over-talking, and name-calling. If her statements were so bogus, they would be easy to refute, right? Still, there is no debate, only catcalls. The reason for this approach is simply because each time one of the mainstream media drones or an NGO fanatic engages her in an actual debate, they end up getting their asses handed to them on internationally broadcast programs. Continue reading

Guest Column: Enemy of the Year?

Why Russia?
by Justin Raimondo, via Ron Paul Liberty Report

I once had an online conversation with a journalist whose name you would instantly recognize that started with a question for me: “Why Russia?” Why, this person wanted to know, are we witnessing a hate campaign aimed at Moscow, decades after the implosion of international communism and the breakup of the USSR?

I tried to give him a coherent and comprehensive answer, but Twitter is not conducive to in-depth discussions of that sort, and so I filed it away as a question to be answered at a later date. And certainly now is the time to answer it: the Democratic party and its media minions are demanding an “investigation” (i.e. a fishing expedition) into the burning question of whether the President of the United States is the Manchurian Candidate: “Putin’s puppet,” as Hillary Clinton infamously averred. Our out-of-control intelligence agencies are furiously pushing the same line.

This echo of the 2016 presidential campaign is surely one major reason why the anti-Russsian hysteria has reached such a fever pitch. As Glenn Greenwald writes in a recent piece in The Intercept:

“[I]t’s used to avoid confronting the fact that Trump is a by-product of the extraordinary and systemic failure of the Democratic Party. As long as the Russia story enables pervasive avoidance of self-critique – one of the things humans least like to do – it will continue to resonate no matter its actual substance and value.” Continue reading

Guest Article: Ongoing Leftist Takeover Plans

U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky [c/o Global Research]

Updated January 11, 2017

Since this article was published, the US media in liaison with US intelligence has launched another wave of smears directed against President elect Donald Trump.

The most recent propaganda ploy has gone into high gear. The objective is to destabilize the Trump presidency.

A  fake “Intelligence Dossier” portrays Trump as an instrument of Moscow, “cultivating and supporting him for at least five years”. The dossier intimates that Russian intelligence has compromised Trump to the extent that he can be “blackmailed” on account of his “sexually perverted acts”.

This mysterious intelligence dossier released by Buzzfeed has gone viral. While the document is acknowledged as being fake, the media (CNN in particular) is now intimating that not only is Trump involved in an act of treason (by calling for the normalization of  Washington’s relations with Moscow), he is also controlled by the Kremlin, which is blackmailing him into submission.

This pseudo Intelligence Dossier surfaced in the days following the Director of National Intelligence announcement James Clapper that Russia’s alleged hacking constitutes an “Existential Threat” against America. Continue reading

Guest Column: Root of Hillary’s Would-Be Armageddon

Who is behind Hillary Clinton’s Hostility for Russia and Why it Matters
By Christopher Bollyn [Excerpt from source column here]

hillary_warmongerThe Jerusalem conference (Netanyahu Institute, 1979) also helped to revive the anti-Soviet alliance between Israel and the United States by charging the Soviets with responsibility for “funding, training, and equipping international terrorism.” This new charge helped keep the United States and the Soviet Union at each other’s throats, thus preventing them from agreeing on a diplomatic solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East.
“International Terrorism”:  The Propaganda War, Philip Paull, 1982

Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk camp near Damascus, Syria, have been victims of the U.S.-led war of terror imposed on Syria since 2011.

Criminality Exposed – Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in 2012 that “the best way to help Israel” is to “use force” to overthrow the government in Syria. What nation was she working for, anyway? Continue reading

Guest Column: Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression

Excerpt of white paper from International Jewish AntiZionist Network
[Full original column here; white paper here.]

“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act!” — Albert Einstein
“Those who have the privilege to see have the duty to look!” — Brian R. Wright

Israel_Police_State_RoleEditor’s Note: The white paper is a couple of years old, but considering the source—namely a network of respected mainly-Jewish journalists and scholars who question the Zionist foundations, goals, and even the legitimacy of the Israeli state qua self-righteous, ethnic-cleansing operation—it’s amazing to see such a sane perspective persist midst the barrage of largely Zionist-sourced mind control to which ‘the West’ is subjected, 24/7/365. I’d like to also recommend a couple of key books for readers as objective analyses of important history and intentions of these particular ‘Men of the Power Sickness‘ who would rule Palestine and, indeed, the world:

The hyperlinks take the reader to my reviews of what I consider two of the most liberating-via-truth-telling books of the 21st century.


This pamphlet focuses on the role of Israel’s government, its military, and related corporations and organizations in a global industry of violence and repression. The states most involved with this industry profit from perpetual war and occupation across the globe while maintaining vastly unequal societies of their own.

Israel exports weapons, technologies, training, and techniques of violence for use by governments and corporations against populations around the world. The expertise on which it relies has been developed through its occupation of Palestine and parts of Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt, as well as its repression of and military aggression against the people living there. Continue reading