Human Interest: Liberty Forum, Winter 2009

FSP Liberty Forum underscores steady progress

The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit.
The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.
— Marcus Aurelius


This year I’m going to try to stay as current as possible with day-to-day activities, so no one has to wait for a few weeks to get the news. And news it is, at least in the Live Free Before You Die crowd, the Free State Project minions now well established in New Hampshire and planning to make their stands here come hell or high water. Things can always go our way, too, even with the advent of the Obamanon. Continue reading

Book Review: New Pilgrim Chronicles

Twelve steps toward liberation via the Free State
by Brian Wright

2008, Lulu, 138 pages
Reviewed by Logan Brandt

The idea for writing New Pilgrim Chronicles (NPC) stemmed from the author’s commitment as an “Early Mover” to New Hampshire under auspices of theNew Pilgrim Chronicles Free State Project.  He pledged to the Project in June 2004 during the Libertarian Party National Convention in Atlanta, then moved to southern New Hampshire following the Free State Porcupine Festival in summer of 2005.  Brian, a freelance writer and self-described Gonzo journalist[1], has regularly documented modern libertarian events as a participant.  He feels the Free State Project— which encourages migration of an active-resident freedom community to a liberty-friendly state—represents the best hope for achieving freedom in our time… through an ingenious, vital process of popular leverage. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Happy Birthday Lauren Canario

Validating the SNaP with a striking illustration

This column can really be seen as a continuation of my early two-parter on the Sacred Nonaggression Principle (SNaP), because it brings up one of the main social justifications for state aggression (eminent domain) and shows the damage to real human flesh and blood of accepting that justification.

Lauren Canario is this marvelous woman I know from the Free State who took a stand against property theft by the state of Connecticut (the celebrated Kelo vs. New London, CT case), and now sits somewhere in that state’s incarceration system awaiting trial. Continue reading

Guest Column: Independence Day Thoughts

Independence Day Letter
by Matt Simon (July 4, 2006)

This is a letter written by a freedom-fighter, Free State Early Mover Matt Simon, to his friends and family back in West Virginia, explaining the importance of the cause for liberty and the progress we’re making in New Hampshire. [Editor’s note: Mr. Simon wrote this during his first year in the Free State. Matt is now perhaps the leading and most effective voice in New Hampshire for Compassion (when it comes to medical marijuana and other personal freedoms the runaway statists would just as soon crush with their jackboots). I shared a house in Amherst with him in those early days of the Early Movers.] Continue reading