Guest Column: Trump/Sanders 2016?

Trump and Bernie on the same ticket; take the ride
by Jon Rappoport [full column here]

RappoportDon’t lose your lunch or your cookies or your marbles. Follow this one to the end.

As Bernie throws charges at Hillary for vote-rigging to gain the nomination; as Hillary solidifies her prurient control of so-called super-delegates (Democrat insiders and hacks), thus overturning the force of Primary voting; as Trump, Cruz, and the Republican leadership heat up an internal war over delegates; as Colorado and other states reject the validity of Republican Primary voting; the hallucination that is 2-party politics in America is on the verge of cracking. And if the crack widens, the foul creatures who emerge will reveal an oozing Hell in broad daylight.

We’ve gone past crazy. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Donald Trump (Re)visited

A plus and minus perspective on the Trumpster as president, for libertarians

TrumpA sage, or at least hopeful, comment on an Infowars video—somewhat misleadingly entitled “Trump’s 9/11 Truth Moment at RNC Debate in SC“—I put up on Facebook:

“I wasn’t going to vote at all but I keep seeing the same crap being done to Trump that they did to Ron Paul, so now I am going to vote for him.”

The only briefly mention on 9/11 in the SC debate was “The WTC came down in his brother’s reign. Remember that. [Boos—it was a handpicked Republican insider crowd in South Carolina!] That’s not keeping us safe.”

But the bigger comments on 9/11 came from October 2015: “Trump said that ignores a crucial fact—that George W. Bush failed to stop the Sept. 11 attacks. Worse yet, Trump said on Oct. 20, 2015, that Bush knew the 2001 attacks were coming:” Continue reading