Guest Column: Canada’s Surveillance State

Canada, welcome to the US-style Surveillance State
by Jon Rappoport, excerpted from

CanadaObama likes to say, “We’re all in this together.” Well, our two populations are now together as targets of spying.

May 11, 2015

The notorious Bill C-51 to expand spying on citizens in Canada has passed the House of Commons, by a vote of 183-96. It now moves to the Senate, where passage seems inevitable.

A few comments:

It’s likely that much of this “expanded spying” is already taking place in Canada. Making it law protects the spying agencies from accusations and recriminations.

Here is how a law like C-51 will operate as time passes: every federal agency in Canada with a taste for meddling (in other words, every single bureaucratic agency) will horn in on the action, using the justification of “national security.” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After [Name the Deception] Truth

When the second ‘Little Boy’ exclaims the emperor wears no clothes…

GandhiDoing some general seminar training and learning lately in connection with my upcoming Good Neighbor Libertarian book and project. Yes, the event was sponsored by the eternally hopeful Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) and featured three speakers besides myself: Dan Johnson of People against the NDAA (Panda), Dave Dudenhofer of Michigan Campaign for Liberty, and a Mr. Jeff Phillips school board member from a district in the Michigan ‘Thumb’ area. My presentation was about the importance for libertarians to embrace the Gandhian Global Truth Force (Satyagraha) in our fight against all the deceptions and related assaults of the global government mafia.

I’ve long held that the dawning of 9/11 Truth—in the form of an overwhelming consensus that the US government (USG) and insiders were complicit and culpable in the attacks—would be the linchpin in bringing down the whole house of cards constructed by that mafia. Although a number of other deceptions showing the cancerous corruption of the Cartel-controlled USG and media are candidates to put a stake through the heart of the monster, I still believe that 9/11 is the One. Especially considering the fine work Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is doing. Like this digital billboard in Times Square. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: In Borg We Trust

Clearing the Barrier Cloud thru a good name
by Brian Wright

Yes, for my polite friends who resist the acknowledging the 900# Gorilla, here comes yet another column on noting and slaying the black beast. But it’s in a positive vein and I promise not to accuse you who deny the obvious—or at least readily apparent—of being immoral or stupid. In fact, the great majority of you are simply ‘tardy adopters:’ uncomfortable disagreeing with deep nationalistic conventions. Either that, or manifesting the archetypical American child-consciousness… as one writer puts it:

“We Americans are the ultimate innocents.
We are forever desperate to believe that this time
the government is telling us the truth.” Continue reading