Brian’s Column: After [Name the Deception] Truth

When the second ‘Little Boy’ exclaims the emperor wears no clothes…

GandhiDoing some general seminar training and learning lately in connection with my upcoming Good Neighbor Libertarian book and project. Yes, the event was sponsored by the eternally hopeful Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) and featured three speakers besides myself: Dan Johnson of People against the NDAA (Panda), Dave Dudenhofer of Michigan Campaign for Liberty, and a Mr. Jeff Phillips school board member from a district in the Michigan ‘Thumb’ area. My presentation was about the importance for libertarians to embrace the Gandhian Global Truth Force (Satyagraha) in our fight against all the deceptions and related assaults of the global government mafia.

I’ve long held that the dawning of 9/11 Truth—in the form of an overwhelming consensus that the US government (USG) and insiders were complicit and culpable in the attacks—would be the linchpin in bringing down the whole house of cards constructed by that mafia. Although a number of other deceptions showing the cancerous corruption of the Cartel-controlled USG and media are candidates to put a stake through the heart of the monster, I still believe that 9/11 is the One. Especially considering the fine work Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is doing. Like this digital billboard in Times Square. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Good Neighbor Libertarian Quickstart Guide

Intended to orient and get affiliates and individuals going quickly


sunshine manThis column is based on a two-sided, one-sheet description of the same name, which I’ve uploaded to a pdf file here. The idea behind it is to provide advance information on the Good Neighbor Libertarian (GNL,  pronounced genial) political activation system I’m writing a book about. This GNL system is essentially a methodology for generating rapid growth in effective libertarian solutions to the main categories of the massive central corporate-state assault upon real human individuals in the incipient American police state. I also expect to dramatically raise ‘body count’ of caring, effective people monitoring public-official councils and holding them accountable for securing liberty. Continue reading