Stonebeam 11. The Gorilla in the Room Theory—Bene Thanksgiving

Story Shot 11, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 22 November 2020

Today I want to write about normal life the way it was for me, say, this time last year. On the threshold of the Thanksgiving holiday,[1] you know, I just want to kick back and apply the Take Time to Smell the Roses Theory or at least the Ice Ball Theory[2].

Unfortunately, when there actually IS a gorilla in the room, one does have to assign a higher priority to the situation. Same with the gorilla metaphor all of us face today: covtardia and the Great Reset.[3]

OUR gorilla du jour is occupying living rooms worldwide, which gives us a hint that it just may be contrived by those I referred to in my previous ‘beam, namely the Global Crime Syndicate (GCS) and its meta-alien directorate.

One neck, one leash:

“Power. What do you think is power? Whips? Guns? Money? You can’t turn men into slaves unless you break their spirit. Kill their capacity to think and act on their own. Tie them together, teach them to conform, to unite, to agree, to obey. That makes one neck ready for one leash.” — Ellsworth Toohey to Peter Keating, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Dr. Evil, er Klaus Schwab, couldn’t say it better.

I watched the movie Braveheart last night, and I’m all fired up. The name, Wright, hails from northern England/southern Scotland, same as William Wallace.

What strikes me about Braveheart is the hallowed cause of human liberty:

“Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!” — William Wallace Continue reading

Stonebeam 2. Lions and Tigers and Distancing Inner Tubes, Oh My!

Story Shot 2, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 28 October 2020

Just could not let the reference in Stonebeam #1 to covtardia[1] go to waste with nothing left to say about it. After all, this disease is THE dictionary definition of “taking the cake for all time 900# (phantom) gorillas of human history.” Let me be the historian then and post one of my few photos in these story shots—I’m convinced that when parents of our time tell their grandchildren bedtime stories of real adult behavior in the ‘season of covtardia,’ none of the little ones will believe it for a second… even with photos and a Webpage.

That’s if the Web is even around in 40-some years.

Or people. Not taking any bets.

If a bunch of frat bros pulled a kegger one night, smoked some doobie, woke up on a sunny morning in La Jolla, then hatched an invention for naturally keeping six feet away from sandal-wearing hippies at the local beach club, I’d chalk it up to California fruit salad and think no more about it. But I believe it was actually a serious notion floated by a restaurant in, like, Baltimore. (!)

And lately Del Bigtree on The HighWire tells me that California governor Gavin Newsom is dictating the following rules for citizens of the state who gather at someone’s home for the upcoming Thanksgiving: Continue reading