Stonebeam 27. ‘Covid’ and ‘Covid’ ‘Vax’ are Bioweapons

Important Catchup Two Weeks via Truth-Media on the ‘Covid’ Op
Story Shot 27, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 13 June 2021

Please share this digest of key links to important information, particularly to your medical professional friends—doctors, nurses, caregivers:

  • Let me start with the column by Children’s Health Defense, which reports on an audio confession given by Dr, Byram Bridle in the belly of beast, Canada: “We made a big mistake.” [He reports that spike protein pathogens travel all thru the body, causing immense harm:]
  • The CHD audio is shared by terrain theoryite, Dr. Thomas Cowan, in a 60-minute discussion He basically responds to the Bridle confession, “Duh!” ( Thank you, to John T. for the Cowan video.
  • Lorri B. points me to a fabulous discussion-Q&A by Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits at the “Free and Brave” Conference during the 3d weekend in May 2021: Key question is where is the link to “the next morning” by Dr. Judy, where she is discussing treatments If you find it please send to me at
  • From Dallas, on 6/5/21, a special “Event 2021” presentation by Dr. Richard Fleming was livestreamed by TheHighWire. He’s a highly credentialed, pro-vaccine allopath giant who proves current spike protein ‘vaccines’ are bioweapons portending our extinction: Also vital for those who want to know treatments for the spike protein poisoning, Dr. Fleming’s leading edge research is located here:

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Brian’s Column: “One Man with Courage”…

… is shamed by the mob for going maskless at the Super Bowl
By Brian R. Wright

“One man with courage makes a majority.” — Charles Lindbergh

I was always a huge fan of Tom Brady. Now I’m even MORE of a fan thanks to him so boldly refusing to wear a PC face diaper in response to the nothing-burger ‘virus’ that no medical authority has even identified (
and for which the gold standard PCR test is meaningless ( AND for which 99.76% of those who test positive have no or mild symptoms or otherwise recover completely from.

… and these statistics are WITHOUT the widely applied antimicrobial cures available and suppressed by medical authorities and public officials—who are committing crimes against humanity on the people in a state near you—, e.g.

What’s more, masks are entirely useless against viruses, as all the randomized control tests have shown. Further, masks impede breathing and cause ENORMOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS for the wearers, including ‘covid.’, plus please get the latest book–you may have to get the Nook version here:–by Dr. Judy Mikovits’ The Case against Masks. And to put it all in perspective, statistics show that “More Masks = More ‘covid.'”
( Continue reading

Stonebeam 20. What if… (we stop obeying)?

Think or obey, Thrive or hive, that is the question.
Story Shot 20, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 17 January 2021

A thought just hit me on this dreary gray winter morn:

What if a large percentage (a majority?) of people don’t really care about what’s true or false, they simply want the comfort of obeying? If so, why not tell them the stark truth:

Authority: “We know ‘covid’ is a fake disease for selling high-profit killer snake oil to ciphers like you. Its salesmen-barkers work the crowd w/rumors that this ‘Black Plague’ will kill you and, more important, others, if you don’t buy the ‘product.’”

Cipher U: “Sold. It would be evil to let others die.”

Authority: “Lockdowns destroy lives and livelihoods on a global scale, they make disease worse and suppress immune systems. We need them, however, for control and subjugation. That’s why we foster public-spirited participation.”

Cipher U: “Rah-rah: close biz, stay home, touch not, isolate gram and gramps.”

Authority: “We also know masks have no benefit against viruses, even if the ‘covid’ ‘virus’ were real. Our own poobahs have said so. But now we need the mass masking to create an image of benign compliance and to further destroy everyone’s health.”

Cipher U: “I’m in. Wear a mask, sacrifice all to the Holy Hive… or else.”

Authority: “Now the injectables: not “your father’s vahttccine,” rather a ‘Human 2.0’ OS that lets central command shake and bake you with 5G radiation and atmospheric chems, nanobots. We skipped animal tests, or anything long-term; these pokes not only maim and kill, they turn you into full-tilt bot-slave, more than you already are.

Cipher U: “Say no more. Jab me up, bring the army, force everyone!”

Get the picture? Obey or think. Obey is easier; just say good-bye to the ol’ soul. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Ultimate Mask…

… for the Ultimate Sacrifice
By Brian R. Wright
PDF Version

It seems no matter what anyone with expertise, from private practice or the government health establishment, shows us about the general public’s persistent use of surgical masks—both as to their unhealthful effect on the wearers as well as to their ineffectiveness against viruses, indeed that they spread disease[1]—the great unwashed continue to wear them.

Doesn’t matter that several months ago, Sheep Nation was told by NIH and Fauci, CDC, US Surgeon General, and WHO: “DO NOT WEAR MASKS!”

Que pasa? What changed? Why did they FESS UP then and why do they FESS DOWN now? Have there been studies that show mask wearing to be effective against ‘covid?’ No. The opposite.

Let’s leave that BIG QUESTION hanging for now. You decide.

What I want to do today is put my Great Reset hat on and look at things from the global syndicate’s point of view. In case you haven’t heard, the Great Reset is New World Order #2 that the Men of the Power Sickness want the rest of humanity to fall in line with. Like NWO, its champions are proud to tell you about it. See DuckDuckGo. Continue reading

Stonebeam 17. Covtardia by Way of Cadillac

Story Shot 17, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 17 December 2020

Another example of how covtardia[1] magnifies bad behavior.

I should have let this one go, but my writer-ego can’t resist.

To begin with, as a bona fide covtardia victim—I lost my good medtech-driver job because I refused to wear a mask inside the van—my stand on science and principle cost me ~$500 a month, which helped me to pay, you know, bills.

A retired golf buddy and cause-devotee of mine told me about his part time job as what they call a “dealer trade driver,” so I call around to sales managers in dealerships near me. Turns out, the local Cadillac sales manager—let’s call him Harry—does have a need.

We chat for a while and I show up next day to talk turkey. He gives me an idea of what the job entails, mainly shuttling Caddys from and to about 60 dealerships in a 200-mile radius. Sure, I’ll do it, 15 to 20 hours per week, I tell him. Harry says, “We need your driving record, too. These are $50,000-dollar automobiles.” Makes sense.

Trouble is my official driving record is maintained by our World-Famous-and-Now-‘Covid’-Slowed-to-Below-Crawl-Speed Secretary of State and I’ll have to go to a branch office to pick it up. “No probbem,” I say, “I’ll head over there right now.”

It’s on Beck Road in Wixom, maybe 10 miles away. Harry assures me that SOS doesn’t need an appointment for this kind of transaction. Yippee! [It sure did when I needed my eye test for license renewal: My birthday’s in mid-July, I call July 1, get my place in line in late September. Masks, distancing, you know the standard sheep drill.] Continue reading

Stonebeam 2. Lions and Tigers and Distancing Inner Tubes, Oh My!

Story Shot 2, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 28 October 2020

Just could not let the reference in Stonebeam #1 to covtardia[1] go to waste with nothing left to say about it. After all, this disease is THE dictionary definition of “taking the cake for all time 900# (phantom) gorillas of human history.” Let me be the historian then and post one of my few photos in these story shots—I’m convinced that when parents of our time tell their grandchildren bedtime stories of real adult behavior in the ‘season of covtardia,’ none of the little ones will believe it for a second… even with photos and a Webpage.

That’s if the Web is even around in 40-some years.

Or people. Not taking any bets.

If a bunch of frat bros pulled a kegger one night, smoked some doobie, woke up on a sunny morning in La Jolla, then hatched an invention for naturally keeping six feet away from sandal-wearing hippies at the local beach club, I’d chalk it up to California fruit salad and think no more about it. But I believe it was actually a serious notion floated by a restaurant in, like, Baltimore. (!)

And lately Del Bigtree on The HighWire tells me that California governor Gavin Newsom is dictating the following rules for citizens of the state who gather at someone’s home for the upcoming Thanksgiving: Continue reading

Article: Whither Jock Nation?

A collection of Tweets condensing key segments of Jon Rappoport’s 20200731 column: “Dispatches from the War: New York, Trump, physical freaks”
By Brian R. Wright

Whew! Long title for an article. But the piece just sprung up as I was reading Mr. Rappoport’s watershed column having to do with how American sports’ athletes and enterprises have caved in to the Mystery Lockdown Disease (MLD) official story—aka COVID-19, ‘covid’-1984, STUPID-19, COVERT-19, etc. Original column here:

Jon thoroughly describes the refined mind control environment that afflicts the modern American athlete—no doubt other countries’ sports figures and companies as well. This is nowhere more apparent than in the blithe acceptance of the MLD official story to the detriment of virtually everyone’s self-interest. I found myself condensing key segments of his column into the Twitter Tweet format and presenting them individually on my Twitter feed. They are all gems. This article is just a bucket to provide a link to other Tweeters who may wish to propagate or lunch off the Tweets, themselves.

The final Tweet is my own conclusion (#14) that the world would stand to benefit from the END of the planned MLD and the propaganda it rode in on… IF one major sports figure were to “call the Emperor Naked.” I have no doubt that such a bold statement would do the trick. Continue reading