Stonebeam 34. Independents’ Anthem?

Marcy Baruch (Baroosh) Shifts the Paradigm with an Indie Flourish
Story Shot 34, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 09 November 2021

The flourish would be a song. Yet to call “Carry On” a song is like calling the Queen Mary a row boat; it’s more like the deepest calling and caring for Independent souls worldwide that I’ve ever experienced. If I were a religious man, I’d say it’s from Heaven, and I’ll say it anyway. If the stars could sing they’d do it this way, sending their tune-rays straight into your heart… not to mention your tear ducts. I used to think Dolly Parton had the voice of an angel, Marcy resides in the same constellation.

And the lyrics… just what the cosmos ordered.

The four songs I’ve heard to this point—from the album The Strength of Love—hit the right inner chords of joy and pathos, discovery and listening that make you want more. But “Carry On” is more than special. It’s an eternal, personal, soul-to-soul “You are stellar, really.” Surely she isn’t singing about me. Yet surely she is. Wow. Continue reading