Brian’s Column: The Grand Shi of Nakagiri

Michigan Republican State Convention site of next big move on the weiqe board

Coming up slightly short in the vote count, but way ahead in the enthusiasm race, liberty Republican candidate for lieutenant governor in the Wolverine State, Wes Nakagiri, had the establishment forces all a-frazzled, wondering whether somebody forgot to grease the skids on the Juggernaut of State.

In the 2012 primary race, an excellent Forbes article described how Ron Paul was thinking in the long range strategy of shi (pronounced sure) as opposed to his opponents’ shorter-range power-politics plan of attack, called li in Chinese. In the long run, shi, in service of the ‘Freedom Philosophy‘—especially when accompanied by the Gandhian global truth force, Satyagraha—is the superior philosophy. Shi, like water, always wins. It’s just a matter of time. Do we have the time?

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Brian’s Column: “The Shot Heard ’round the World, II” (?)

… or certainly the state of Michigan

IntroFrom liberty Republican David Lonier’s email 8/15/2014:

“As many of you may have heard and/or witnessed, the 11th Congressional District achieved a milestone victory for true conservatism at the [Oakland] County Convention last night by electing Matt Maddock as our Chairman. The result was the removal of a preselected slate of establishment delegates to the State convention and the approval by a two to one majority (204:115) of a more representative slate.”

Detroit News report here. And the Detroit Free Press report here. Continue reading