Guest Column: Bang the Drums Notly

Nix all the toxic thumpings for war against Iran
Ron Burcham

Ron BurchamI have been a very serious student of current events since high school, that’s fifty years and counting. I haven’t stopped. I’m no expert but I have a deep background in world history, especially U.S. political history, and from it I know more about government duplicity than your average bear. You can take my word for it that when any bureaucrat or politician opens his or her mouth that the odds are that what will come out is propaganda to further a political agenda which could be anything from lying about WMDs to the “benefits” of universal health care. The propaganda today is going to draw us into another shooting war in the Muddled East strictly for the benefit of the profiteers in the military-industrial-complex and their cohorts. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Springtime and the Motor City (2009)

Thoughts on the decline and revival of Detroit
By Brian Wright (written April 2009)

“But even with multiple munchkins on the loose, the DIA is a special space in the universe, some areas—such as the continuing exhibit of sketches and engravings—truly magical.”

So I promised Mom that I wouldn’t talk about taxes or the problems of big government in my column this week. Well… okay, if my thoughts do lead me in those directions, I promise to at least tread lightly. Continue reading

Movie Review: Atlas Shrugged the Movie: Part 1 (2011)

Perfect transition from book to screen __ 10/10
Review by Brian Wright
Atlas Shrugged

Dr. Potter (of the State Science Institute): Why do you want to struggle for years, squeezing out your gains in the form of pennies per ton, rather than accept a fortune—in immediate government money—for Rearden Metal (to keep it off the market)? Why?
Rearden: Because it’s mine. Do you understand the word? Continue reading

Guest Column: Impunity at Home, Rendition Abroad

How two administrations and both parties made illegality the American Way of Life
by Alfred W. McCoy
excerpted from HuffPost column 08/14/2012

Torture RealityAfter a decade of fiery public debate and bare-knuckle partisan brawling, the United States has stumbled toward an ad hoc bipartisan compromise over the issue of torture that rests on two unsustainable policies: impunity at home and rendition abroad.

President Obama has closed the CIA’s “black sites,” its secret prisons where American agents once dirtied their hands with waterboarding and wall slamming. But via rendition — the sending of terrorist suspects to the prisons of countries that torture — and related policies, his Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Standing up for the Law, Part 1

High Noon for Americans as Pete Hendrickson
is convicted for filing truthful federal tax returns

This is a column that appeared originally in the old format on November 01, 2009. I’m transferring this column to the new format because it’s important information about how the system reacted to Pete Hendrickson’s discoveries about the ‘income’ tax… by railroading him on false information asserted by a judge committing petite treason. For the latest on the progress of the educated tax movement please go to Pete’s site: Continue reading