Brian’s Column: The Doreen Freedom Files

Ongoing efforts to free Doreen Hendrickson from the clutches of Leviathan

TaxToonToday I want lay out a set of documents and activities that Pete and many others in the educated tax and general liberty movements are putting together. We earnestly hope they do the job, that is lead to the exoneration and liberation of Doreen Hendrickson from the recent sentence of a malevolent prosecutocracy that is running amok nationwide. First the appeal is in progress. Second the attorney has sent a motion to the district court to modify Doreen’s sentencing on exclusively 5th Amendment grounds, which I’ve uploaded here. Third, led by Pete, we have been constructing a petition for submittal to high Michigan officials—chiefly the head law enforcement official in Michigan, Attorney General Bill Schuette; this will be accompanied by a background description, which Pete has composed and is uploaded here. And fourth, individuals are sending their own letters of appeal to Michigan officials to interpose on Constitutional grounds, such as the missive by former Troy mayor, Janice Daniels, which I’ve uploaded here. Continue reading

Guest Column: The Doreen Hendrickson Statement

… on the occasion of her sentencing (formally called an allocution)
Full statement on the site here

Editor’s note: I attended the sentencing hearing, and like the trial, it was one of the most outrageously contemptuous acts toward anything decent or human that I’ve seen any pack of public officials take part in. Nor have I led a particularly sheltered life. The fix was in, the federal mob bosses had handed down their orders to their nonentity enforcer-drones in justice and on the bench: “we’re going after women now, next month it will be children and invalids.” Doreen was in the crosshairs.

Well, we’ll see about that.

Hell’s a poppin’ out here in real people land: we have an appeal in progress, a major Pontiac Tribune video in the works, and are going to pressure Michigan public officials to do their jobs to interpose on behalf of protecting the Constitutional liberty of one Michigan’s premier leading ladies… and thus the rest of us who live in the Wolverine State. But tonight I simply want to present key excerpts from Doreen’s allocution; from her lips to God’s ears.

Stand up and cheer, then circulate EVERYWHERE. Go to the original page and respond to the call to action.— bw. Continue reading

A Convenient Truth: Cracking the Code

After the unconscionable attack on Doreen, now more than ever…

CtCJust as a preliminary announcement, the author of the liberating, watershed book—that removes forever the burden of federal ‘income’ taxes on all Americans’ direct earnings—has suffered one of the most horrific attacks by a pack of renegade, law-debasing hoodlums in the so-called federal justice system: they pounced upon his dear wife, Doreen, for refusing to commit perjury on federal judge Nancy Edmunds’ unlawful order. It took two sham trials (a hung jury in the first one) for judge Victoria Roberts and her DOJ prosecution tag-team to mis- instruct and browbeat a cowed jury into a wholly ambiguous conviction in August last year. Then on Thursday, April 9, this week, Roberts sentenced Doreen to 18 months in federal prison. Doreen has 60 days to self-surrender, but only 30 days in the event she continues to refuse the unlawful judicial order to falsify her sworn tax statements. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Standing up for the Law, Part 1

High Noon for Americans as Pete Hendrickson
is convicted for filing truthful federal tax returns

This is a column that appeared originally in the old format on November 01, 2009. I’m transferring this column to the new format because it’s important information about how the system reacted to Pete Hendrickson’s discoveries about the ‘income’ tax… by railroading him on false information asserted by a judge committing petite treason. For the latest on the progress of the educated tax movement please go to Pete’s site: Continue reading