Guest Column: Big Kahuna Tax Service

Just in time for tax season… the ‘convenient truth’ of Cracking the Code

Cracking the Code, CtCEditor’s note: It’s been my honor to know Pete Hendrickson for several years as a friend and a fellow warrior for liberty. As many of you know, the liberating (what I’ve taken to calling) ‘Hendrickson Discovery'[1] is one of those once-in-several-lifetimes findings (available for a mere pittance) that raises all boats and puts the wind at everyone’s back… that is, everyone not working for or receiving payments from the government. 

Pete made his discovery in 2003, and his book has seen multiple editions since then. Enabling tens of thousands of Americans to recover several billion dollars incorrectly paid to the federal state… and to any of several state states who assess a tax based on a resident’s ‘income.’ YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT.  The upside potential is that if everyone were to not pay what they do not owe, we the people would recover or retain roughly $3 trillion in wealth, to spend it wisely on our own lives—rather than enable the Washington Leviathan to commit atrocities on roughly a dozen major fronts.
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