Brian’s Column: World People’s Grand Jury on Crimes against Humanity

To obtain justice for the people, think independent grand juries and think BIG!

Justice_LadyPlease refer to this preview package from The Truman Prophecy, which describes and envisions one of the two major salients of the Toto (Truth) phase for fulfillment of the Prophecy. Namely, the reclamation of the American people’s inherent, First Principles tool of the common sense grand jury—an institution qua sword directly monitoring and controlling public official behavior (thus negating government-and- associates’ corruption/criminality), as well as to provide qua shield  a defense for every individual against any public official trying to run over an individual’s liberty.

Initially, I considered the idea of forming ‘virtual’ grand juries, which would be set up just as we envision real grand juries, only we would do the work online under auspices of a public service organization that would be populated nationwide at all the levels with virtual grand juries for high-profile, liberty-affecting cases. We would publicize the results of GJ deliberation to put pressure on public officials to start resurrecting real GJs for all jurisdictions.  This will work, and I have set it in motion with a writeup, but we need a major breakthru on this justice front NOW.

The Bingo-Eureka Discovery

At a 9/11 Truth event featuring a visit from independent journalist Christopher Bollyn, I had a Bingo-Eureka moment. I believe this is it: the best idea for encouraging the proliferation of people’s grand juries is to start out BIG. In this case, essentially convene a system of international ‘war crimes’[1] tribunals… only configure them as true courts with First Principles grand juries at the foundation with all the basics: Continue reading