Movie (Pre)Review: Anatomy of a Great Deception 2 (AGD2)…

… via AGD1 review and comments on the AGD2 Project du Century
By Brian R. Wright

First let’s go back a few years to the original movie conceived, launched, and premiered by one David Hooper, a Detroit-area entrepreneur and can-do guru extraordinaire. The first film has a high-end documentary quality and consists mainly of Mr. Hooper recounting how he came to ask questions about the Official Story of 9/11, particularly on the engineering and architectural weaknesses/contradictions of that feeble yet massive coverup. Then on what he learned  from those questions

Note: you may click on the figure and be taken to the location on Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, where you can purchase the DVD. It is a beautifully rendered package. Or candidly you may view the film for free here on a preferred channel… or on any of a number of YouTube outlets, where the cumulative views have exceeded 30 million and counting.

By the way, here’s my commentary and review on the exciting opening night at the Detroit Fillmore Theater, September 5th, 2014, as well as the lovely weekend celebration at the Hoopers’ classic home on Grosse Ile.

My Review of AGD1

Top_View_Gage_InterviewLike David, I came to question the official story of the 9/11/2001 attacks several years after they took place. But unlike David, my frustration in not being able to get friends, family, and huckleberries to so much as look at the evidence did not lead to creation of a deeply personal movie as a way around these obstacles.

[Opinion polls corroborate that most people do not believe the official story of 9/11. Most of Europe thinks Americans are trapped in a 9/11 ‘Truman Show,’ they keep waiting for us to see it’s not real.] Continue reading

Guest Column: Bill Gelineau for Governor

Why You Should Vote for Bill Gelineau, Libertarian for Michigan Governor, 2018…

… and how you can help him WIN!

Contemplate the mainstream alternatives:

  • Bill Schuette—CAREER POLITICIAN, as attorney general, resisted the voter-approved medical marijuana law, using stormtrooper tactics to prosecute and harass honest providers. He seeks massive federalization and militarization of Michigan’s police and despises personal freedom. He proudly stands with jackboot poised to crush the defenseless and different. A woobie Big Brother.
  • Gretchen Whitmer—CAREER POLITICIAN, helped Republican governor, Rick Snyder, implement the disastrous and tyrannical Obamacare intrusion on our health and lives. Qua Democratic leader, she crafts her appeal to the indigent and infirm, not with solutions, rather pushing government as a limitless ATM machine… funded by you and me. A woobie Big Sister.

Ultimately, Schuette and Whitmer are of the same bipartisan threadbare cloth that can no longer conceal their government’s utter capitulation to the special-interest Leviathans du jour—Big Telecom, Big Pharma, Big Coming Down the Pike. The cartels say jump, our Tweedledeedum officials say how high, and every day John and Jane Doe lose a little more precious life and liberty.

Enter one Bill Gelineau—not to mention his accomplished running mate Angelique Thomas—as the literature says: Father, Husband, BUSINESS OWNER, Volunteer, Activist. Before I say anything else, every voter reading this pitch MUST take 11 minutes to view Bill’s interview on Tim Skubick’s Off the Record show here during the primary. Okay, done? Good. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: What Would Jesus Do, How Would Jesus Be?

Thoughts on an Aspect of Spiritual Consciousness
By Brian R. Wright

It’s Sunday morning, and I’ve awakened after a decent sleep. Immediately, my mind turns to the despair conveyed to me from a good friend and 9/11 Truth and Justice ally, Rudy. Via email he has brought to my attention Robert David Steele’s amazing and powerful, united-front Citizens’ Intelligence Briefing on 9/11 Truth for the President. [And earlier in the week I brought to his attention the hugely popular appealing video that has received more than three million views: Anatomy of a Great Deception, by David Hooper.]

Me: “Why the despair, Rudy? This is fabulous news. On two fronts.”

Rudy: “Sorry to be so cynical, but…No matter what we say and what authority we claim, nobody will listen. Has anything about this brief appeared anywhere other than in notifications from We live in a bicameral society. America is the greatest. America is the freest. Etc.” Then, Rudy ricochets toward the end as negative as I’ve ever seen him.

Countering the ‘depressive funk’ is why my mind turns to the Rudy matter… and to my own sense of just being ‘overwhelmed by circumstances…’ and the ‘what I need to do RIGHT NOW OR ALL IS LOST’ syndrome. When one is in such ‘compulsive-mind-mode’—ref. Eckhart Tolle—so to speak, then every little perturbation of what Buddha calls “the 10,000 things” has the potential to rattle one vigorously one way or the other. Like the tail wagging a dog into fine dust.

The immediate thought I had in the half-sleep before rising was that we’ve reached a point in our research of key truths, where all we need to do is state them calmly and matter of factly, as Jesus would do… and it’s icing on the cake if we can muster a parable or two from our Sunday School lore. In other words, Rudy and myself and so many others have gotten into the habit-oft-addiction of letting our minds trick us into this illusory dragon-slaying mode. We need a change. Continue reading