Stonebeam 7. Taking out the ‘Noise Mind’ I

Story Shot 7, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 09 November 2020

“You already have it. Your mind is just making too much noise.”
— Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (1999)

So who is Eckhart Tolle, you may ask?

He’s a spiritual teacher whom I’ve come to see as the supreme contemporary carrier (manifester) of the central spiritual message for humanity thru the ages—from the Buddha to Jesus to Gandhi.

Mr. Tolle, in his thirties, had recently experienced a life changing upheaval and transformation in an incident taking him from the brink of suicide to a “peace beyond understanding.” For months he would sit for hours on park benches, in a state of utter bliss.

Friends would ask, “I want what you have, how do I get it?”

Which is where the above-quoted response emerged.

Tolle became a source for me sometime during my Free State experience ca. 2006, and when I started doing and related writings. When I say “source,” his PON has become the go-to guide (along with Falun Dafa) for my spiritual cultivation practice—dog-eared with my stickies, highlights, underlines, notes, etc.

Tolle became a source for me sometime during my Free State experience ca. 2006, and when I started doing and related writings. When I say “source,” his PON has become the go-to guide (along with Falun Dafa) for my spiritual cultivation practice—dog-eared with my stickies, highlights, underlines, notes, etc.

It also informed my work… the Field of ideas-causes: ‘Independents Rising.’

Fast forward to a little more than a year ago, and search for my “Sharing Healing Tools” column on That column emerged from the courtroom speech by Howard Roark in Ayn Rand’s movie, The Fountainhead, when he stated, “There is no such thing as a collective brain.” [Thus the ‘collective-brain syndrome.’]

Think about that for a minute. It’s an axiomatic statement. We exist as individuals and our brains are part of our own individual bodies. Yet the consciousnesses of so many actually function subordinating their judgments, reasoning, hopes, wishes, dreams, fears, their entire emotional makeup, to ‘what others think’—herd mind.

The prime driver of modern mind control, Edward Bernays, knew this:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation  of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who run this unseen mechanism constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.”
— Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

For a penetrating look at the mechanism, see Rule from the Shadows, still on YouTube(?). For an anthropological view, read Julian Jaynes’ suppressed classic, The Origin of Consciousness… which holds that until very recently homo sapiens’ minds were ‘bicameral,’ one side taking literal orders (hearing voices) from the other, directly conveyed from the god-king, tribal leader, captive intermediaries, etc.

Jaynes also writes of periods of “vestigial” bicameralism…

…as today with the ‘covid’ god-king edicts based on 100% hot air, yet because of the 100-year setup of the collective-brain masses—especially w/ mainstream-sosh-media propaganda and state schools—unimpeded, like crap thru a goose-stepper.

What’s an Independent to do? Or a normie wanting to rise to self-presence?

Question: “Is ‘collective-brain’ (herd-mind) the same as ‘noise-mind?’

Answer: “Close enough for government work.”

Thus, if we can turn humanity one-by-one or en masse to drop ‘noise mind,’ then the deadly Body Snatcher ‘hive’ will overnight be sent packing by Snatchee enlightenment/abandonment: Read and practice Tolle. Be a quiet fireball via

For souls who have it well-nailed: Proudly identify out as an Independent. Resonate (align) with the “love force.” On the ground, use all available liberty resources.

How about a cup o’ joe to the writer?

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