Guest Column: Letter to the Leahy Subcommittee

Spokesmen for Hitler’s victims know why gun rights
‘shall not be infringed’
by Ron Burcham

JPFOMy letter was e-mailed to the Senate committee hearing, for today (1/30/13) only, on “What Should America Do About Gun Violence.” It was sent to the 18 members of the committee which include Feinstein, Schumer and Franken. Also it was CC’d to both Levins, US Congressman Kerry Bentivolio of the 11th District of Michigan, and Senator Debbie Stabenow for good measure. If anybody actually reads it I’ll be on another list for sure. 🙂 [1]

Also please note that I’m not Jewish, rather a multisourced-American fully aware of what runaway statism and collectivism can do to any targeted group when individuals are denied their God-given rights of self-defense. The references to the refreshingly radical Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership are perfectly timed today as a murderous blanket of misinformation and political correctness about guns descends on Amerika—thanks to the obviously staged Operation Chaos covert killings at Aurora, Oak Creek, and Newtown… and others surely to come thanks to the Death Star federal government.

Dear Mr. Leahy,

Although I am not a resident of your state, whatever findings your subcommittee makes about, “What Should America Do About Gun Violence,” will affect me and my family and the Second Amendment directly. I am concerned that the subcommittee meets only once on such an important subject and that the paucity of witnesses seems skewed, contrary to the Second Amendment, toward more, not less, gun control.

Wayne LaPierre (of the National Rifle Association) has made legislative compromises against the Second Amendment in the past that were not beneficial to law abiding American gun owners. I can only hope that Mr. LaPierre doesn’t offer giving up a single magazine of any capacity or a round of any caliber in violation of, “…shall not be infringed.” I certainly hope that he doesn’t sanction closing the so-called, “gun show loophole,” which is a misnomer, as the Congress and the President are PROHIBITED by the phrase, “…shall not be infringed,” from interfering in the peaceful transfer of firearms ownership.

Will there be more hearings in the future? I hope so as I would like the committee to consider calling me to testify for the average gun owner, the gun owner that I’m afraid your committee may ignore in its findings from today’s hearings. Should the committee need a citizen’s “expert” testimony and would consider calling me, my time is yours as I’m a retired truck driver and well versed in American history and firearms.

Oath KeepersThe Marine Corps made me an expert, in firearms, in my own right, as a rifleman. I also took an oath, “to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic,” BEFORE they let me become a Marine. The oath, once taken, is for life. I am an active, dues paying, Oath Keeper.

I might also add that the subcommittee has some very heavy hitting, very outspoken gun control advocates in  Senator Feinstein, Senator Schumer, and Senator Franken. That is another reason why I’m afraid that the law abiding gun owners will not be adequately represented in this hearing.

I ask you to consider holding future hearings with a broader scope for a thorough vetting of the problems before us while keeping in mind that we do still have a Second Amendment.

Gun ControlI have a book I’m willing to send, that the committee will find especially valuable in its deliberations about the gun control measures, I’m sure the committee will be considering. I am offering to the committee to put into evidence, at my expense, my copy of the 123 page book: ‘Gun Control,’ Gateway to Tyranny, Proof that U.S. Gun Laws Have Nazi Roots—containing the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 compared side-by side with the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968. It presents proof that Senator Thomas Dodd of Connecticut possessed a copy of the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938, acquired as a member of the prosecution team at the Nuremberg trials after WWII. He had it translated into English by the Library of Congress and he used it as the MODEL for the 1968 Gun Control Act.

The book was written by Aaron Zelman with contributions by  Attorney Richard Stevens for the Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership. The book is dedicated to Emil Haas and Isabella Haas, both victims of the Nazis in separate European concentration camps and their son Theodore Haas now deceased.

If the Committee respected the intention of the Founders in the phrase, “…shall not be infringed,” you wouldn’t be having this hearing, as, contrary to the misguided Supreme Court findings in McDonald v Chicago, as far as the federal government is legally concerned, the Second Amendment is absolute, and you have no authority over any military grade firearms or weapons equal to those held by the standing armed forces — none WHATSOEVER.

The Founders wanted to guarantee Americans that their freedoms would not fall sacrifice to an oppressive government or outside interlopers. That is why the Second Amendment protects the right to bear “arms,” as opposed to protecting just “guns.”

Ref: Right to Keep and Bear Arms: Report of the Subcommittee of the Constitution of the Committee of the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Second Session

CC: President Obama, Michigan Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow and the committee members. Committee members to whom I CC’d Leahy’s letter


Headings for individual Senators

CC: Senator Hatch

“To my mind, the uniqueness our free institutions, the fact that an American citizen can boast freedoms unknown in any other land, is all the more reason to resist any erosion of our individual rights. When our ancestors forged a land ‘conceived in liberty,’ they did so with musket and rifle.” — Orrin Hatch 1-20-1982 (Today, Sir, it would be an M-16 or an M-14). Fight for us on the committee, “resist any erosion,” and preserve the Second amendment as it was intended by the Founders, not the watered down Supreme Court version.

I have kept this report since 1982. It is one of my most cherished books. I urge you to share it with the other members of the committee, especially Senators Feinstein, Schumer and Franken:

Re: Right to Keep and Bear Arms: Report of the Subcommittee of the Constitution of the Committee of the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety -Seventh Congress, Second Session

CC: Senator Sessions PART 1

Sir, as a Southerner, I think you know the implications of a disarmed citizenry, something about the War of Northern Aggression maybe. Please do what you can to preserve the Second Amendment as the absolute it was intended to be by the Founders, not the watered down Supreme Court version.


Senator Sessions,

Ordinarily I wouldn’t have bothered you, but, you sit on this committee and anything it decides will have an impact on the entire country. I wanted you to have the whole text of my letter to Senator Leahy.

Thank you for any consideration.

Although I am not a resident of the South now, my family hails from West Virginia and my children got their start in Savannah, Georgia. We lived there for seven years, 1974 to 1981, and my children, now 40 and 42 years of age, still call my friends Mister and Sir.

Believe me when I say, I wish we had stayed—but for circumstances we would have.

CC: Senator Graham

Sir, as a Southerner, I think you know the implications of a disarmed citizenry, something about the War of Northern Aggression maybe. Please do what you can to preserve the Second Amendment as the absolute it was intended to be by the Founders, not the watered down Supreme Court version.

Although I am not a resident of the South now, my family hails from West Virginia and my children got their start in Savannah, Georgia. We lived there for seven years, 1974 to 1981, and my children, now 40 and 42 years of age, still call my friends Mister and Sir.

CC: Senator Flake

Ordinarily I wouldn’t contact you, except that the committee on which you sit will make decisions that will affect my family. I think that as an Arizonan you can appreciate the disdain with which the current administration holds states’ rights and the Second Amendment. Please do what you can to preserve the Second Amendment as the absolute that the Founders intended it to be and not some watered down Supreme Court version.

SunFLOWerThank you for your consideration,

Ron Burcham

[1] You and probably another 10 million of us. It’s better to be on a list now to stand up to tyrants, so that others will do the same in concert… and thus stand down the tyrants from making lists.

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